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Thousands of Americans will receive up to $1,000

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Nuevos cheques mensuales de $ 1,200 disponibles hasta diciembre
  • Thousands of Americans will receive up to $1,000.
  • Connecticut’s Premium Pay program benefits workers.
  • Who will be the lucky recipients?

Thanks to Connecticut’s $30 million Premium Pay program, essential workers will receive checks between $200 and $1,000. Thousands of people will benefit from this new program. Who is eligible?

Eligible workers who opted for direct deposit will begin to receive their payments at the beginning of February.

Thousands of people will receive money!

Thousands of people will receive the money!
PHOTO: Shutterstock

Nearly 120,000 people will be lucky enough to receive these payments in Connecticut thanks to the Premium Pay program. The state will begin mailing 35,000 paper checks in a month or so. The surprises don’t end!

Nearly 20,000 payments will be issued each week, according to the Premium Pay Controller. Just keep in mind that those who receive their money via direct deposit should receive it within days of issuance.

Who will receive the payments?

Thousand US dollar checks: who will the checks be for?
PHOTO: Shutterstock

The Premium Pay program was established for frontline workers in the private sector who worked during the worst of the pandemic — between March 10, 2020 and May 7, 2022. Although COVID surfaced in 2019, 2020 was when the pandemic broke out.

The state was flooded with applicants and agreed to offer more help by providing the program with an additional $75 million. More than 150,000 eligible essential workers will now receive the funds, according to State Comptroller Sean Scanlon.

How can you apply?

Checks thousands of US dollars: How to be eligible?
PHOTO: Shutterstock

According to The Sun, you must have been employed as an essential worker between March 10, 2020 and May 7, 2022. The state of Connecticut defines essential workers as those who did not have a remote work option during that time frame.

The Premium Pay program followed the lists of priority of the Vaccination Guide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). An application must have been submitted by the October 1, 2022 deadline.

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