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Amor y Otras Cosas

Mantener una relación saludable, Pareja, Alegría, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: How to Keep a Relationship Healthy

José Luis López Velarde tells you how to maintain a healthy romantic relationship. It's not just about good actions, but also about avoiding certain situations. Once again,…
Infidelidad y sexualidad, Cama, Teléfono, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Infidelity and Sexuality in a Relationship

José Luis López Velarde provides information about infidelity and sexuality within a couple. A relationship is never static; it is a constant evolution of the participants. The…
Codependencia emocional, Relaciones, Ayuda, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Emotional Codependency

José Luis López Velarde talks to you about emotional codependency and techniques to manage it. It doesn't mean there's something wrong with you; however, it's important to…
Tipos de infidelidad, Corazón roto, Teclado, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Why Does Infidelity Exist in a Happy Couple?

José Luis López Velarde shares with you why infidelity exists in a happy couple. Infidelity is never an easy topic to discuss, but it is necessary to…
Tipos de infidelidad, Hombre, Mujer, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Types of infidelity

José Luis López Velarde talks about the types of infidelity that can exist in a relationship. Some people believe it's just about something sexual, but there are…
Finanzas en pareja, Pagos, Computadora, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Finances in a Relationship

Amor y otras cosas offers financial advice for relationships to help address the topic of finances. José Luis López Velarde provides a perspective to help you with…
Amar sin expectativas, Corazones en orilla del mar, Cariño, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Love Without Expectations

José Luis López Velarde delves into the idea of loving without expectations. He uses a couple of analogies to help understand this, to avoid falling into misconceptions.…
Confianza en la pareja, Problemas, Letras, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: What do I do if I don’t trust my partner?

Trust in a relationship is essential for it to progress and develop healthily. José Luis López Velarde, the host of Love and Other Matters, offers a couple…
Encontrar una pareja, Corazón, Alegría, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Why Can’t We Find a Partner?

José Luis López Velarde answers why people sometimes can't find a partner. It's about looking where you least expect it. Don't be afraid to think that you…
Mensaje de texto, Chica, Triste, MundoNow, Podcast

Amoy y otras cosas: What to Do to Stop Waiting for That Message

José Luis López Velarde tells you how to stop waiting for that text message. Today's world is very digital, and communication has taken on a breathtaking immediacy…
Arruinar la relación, Corazón, Frío, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: 4 Important Aspects in a Couple’s Relationship

José Luis López Velarde presents 4 important points that may be ruining your relationship. You might think that your relationship is not going well, but paying attention…
Por qué nos enamoramos, Relación, Alegría, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Why do we fall in love?

José Luis López Velarde tells us why we fall in love. In reality, it's a biological and emotional process. This means that not everyone is attracted to…
Relación tóxica, Cuarto, Pareja, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Signs of a Toxic Relationship

José Luis López Velarde provides you with signs of a toxic relationship. Sometimes, these can be deceptive and confusing to detect. Happiness is something you are entitled…
Superar al ex, Mujer, Ayuda, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Getting Over Your Ex

José Luis López Velarde shares a few tips for getting over your ex. When a breakup occurs, especially a romantic one, it is necessary to pay attention…
Narcicista, Ayuda, Relación, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Is My Partner a Narcissist?

Amor y otras cosas helps you to know if your partner is a narcissist. Narcissism can be dangerous in a couple. We share a few traits with…
Pareja en cama, Sexo, Amor, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: How to Reignite Sex in the Relationship

José Luis López Velarde spoke with Francisca Gnecchi about revamp sex in a couple's relationship. Understanding all stages of sexuality in a relationship is crucial to maintaining…
Mala cita, Café, Verte fácil, Podcast, MundoNow

Amor y otras cosas: Attitudes That Make You Look Needy

Amor y otras cosas provides tips on how to avoid looking needy. It's crucial to have a good strategy in the dating world to avoid frightening the…
Mantener relación sana, Ventana, Felicidad, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: How to Maintain a Relationship in a Healthy State

Amor y otras cosas shares some tips with you for maintaining a healthy relationship. The relationship involves two people, so it is important to maintain the relationship.…
Señales sexuales, Pareja, Cama, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Signs They Might Want to Have Sex With You

Jorge Luis López Velarde talks about signs that a person might be thinking about having sex with you. Communication and trust are very important to move towards…
Todavía no, Rompecabezas, Corazón, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: The Power of These Two Words in a Relationship

Amor y otras cosas unveils two significant words in winning the heart: Not yet. Jorge Luis López Velarde explains the use of these two words in this…
Enamorar con mensajes, Corazones, Multimedia, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: How to Make Someone Fall in Love with Text Messages

Amor y otras cosas provides you with advice on how to seduce someone with text messages. The host, Jorge Luis López Velarde, a psychologist, helps you to…
Rasgos atractivos, Relación, Charla, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Seductive Traits of People

Amor y otras cosas presents you with attractive characteristics or traits of human beings. These are particularly seductive for men. With these, both can better understand each…
Hacer que te extrañe, Estrellas, Galaxia, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: How to Make Someone Miss You

Amor y otras cosas discusses an intriguing topic: how to make someone deeply miss you. Jorge Luis López Velarde provides a couple of strategies to achieve this.…
Tips para seducción, Pareja, Cita, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Some Seduction Tips

Amor y otras cosas share some tips for seduction to drive that special someone wild. These tips are sometimes divided for men and women, as we can…
Tu pareja pide tiempo, Reloj de arena, Relaciones, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: When Your Partner Asks for Time

Jorge Luis López Velarde offers a brief analysis of what to do when your partner asks for time. Relationships are a particular world, meaning, not a single…
Miedo a casarse, Temor, Pastel de boda, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: A Couple of Thoughts on Marriage and Fear of Committing

Amor y otras cosas discuss the fear of getting married and commitment. Jorge Luis offers a few pieces of advice to ponder these situations. Just because a…
Relaciones poliamorosas, Pies en cama, Tabú, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Polyamorous Relationships

Jorge Luis López Velarde talks about polyamorous relationships and polyamory. It's a talk that can be complex to get for some people. Let's remember that it's always…
Recuperar al ex, Relaciones, Tristeza, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: How to Get Your Ex Back, Is It Worth It?

Jorge Luis López Velarde shares his experience regarding how to get your ex back. First and foremost, you must pay special attention to the first detail on…
Consejos segunda cita, Relaciones, Felicidad, MundoNow, Podcast

Amor y otras cosas: Help for Securing a Second Date

Love and Other Things shares some tips with you to achieve a second date. José Luis López Velarde is the host of this podcast. With these tips,…