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Mitos y Leyendas

La visión del cuatro, Sol, Luna, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Lakota’s Vision of Four

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the Lakota's vision of four. This number repeats many times for them. Life revolves around the round. The peoples of the North…
Origen de las montañas, Nieve, Lago, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Creation of the Mountains

Mitos y leyendas shares with you a version of a legend about the origin of the mountains. Fantastic beings inhabit the earth but they do not have a…
Virgen del valle, Figura, Mujer, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Virgin of the Valley

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the Virgin of the Valley. This woman is an important part of the Catholic religion. She has many representations…
Las hermanas mapuche, Bandera, Pueblo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Mapuche Sisters

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the Mapuche sisters. Painemilla and Painefilu are sisters with different destinies. The wrath of one of them is severely…
Nunkui, Selva, Deidad, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: Nunkui

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the tale of Nunkui. A village suffers from a drought that leaves them without food. A divine being offers a blessing due…
El toro encantado, Cuernos, Animal, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Legend of the Enchanted Bull

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the Enchanted Bull. The beings in these stories either cause chaos or aid the participants in them. This one…
Leyenda del maíz, Granos, Alimento, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Legend of Corn

Mitos y leyendas shares another version of the corn legend. In this one, a young man volunteers to appease the wrath of the god Tupá. This man achieves…
El tigre yaguareté tié, Animal, Agresivo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Tiger Yaguareté Tié

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the tiger Yaguareté Tié. A man seeks revenge for his death at the hands of thieves. An animal…
El colibrí que recuperó, Planta, Campo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Hummingbird that Retrieved Tobacco

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the tale of the hummingbird that retrieved tobacco. A woman finds herself in trouble when the plant disappears. All animals attempt to…
Atrapasueño, Nubes, Tela, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Dreamcatcher

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the dreamcatcher. The Lakota people share the purpose of this popular artifact. Destiny can be safeguarded with its help.…
Leyenda del cervatillo, Camuflaje, Piel, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Fawn

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the fawn. A worried mother pleads for mercy from the creator. The creator intervenes to bless the fawn. Tawíyela…
Leyenda lakota, Animal, Árboles, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: A Lakota Legend

Mitos y leyendas shares a brief Lakota legend with you. An expert hunter recalls magical moments from when he was young. A message that it is important to…
El Yincihaua, Flamas, Fuego, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Yincihaua

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the tale of the Yincihaua. A grand celebration takes place, filled with magic. A tragedy causes the death of some women. Every…
Gallo de la catedral, Pico, Cresta, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Cathedral’s Rooster

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the tale of the Cathedral rooster. There was a man named Don Ramón known for his arrogance and haughtiness. He was…
Leyenda del palo borracho, Tronco, Hojas, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The floss silk tree

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the floss silk tree. A tale of sorrow for the death of a warrior. His wife passes away…
Leyenda del tecolote, Pájaro, Rama, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Owl

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the owl. This bird is also known as the Tunkuluchú in other cultures. Its song is a source…
Leyenda del origen, Mundo, Estrellas, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: Legend of the Origin of the World According to the Mayans

Mitos y leyendas shares the legend of the origin of the world. According to the Mayans, it was gods called Tepeu, Gucumats, and Huracán who populated the…
Leyenda del camalote, Agua, Silvestre, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Legend of the Camalote

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the camalote. Two beings from different worlds meet, and a feeling is born between them. Conflicts arise due to…
Leyenda del puma, Animal, Felino, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Puma Yagua

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the puma Yagua. A small animal is raised by a woman after the feline loses its family. They…
Tejido plateado, Agua, Lago, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Silver Fabric

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the legend of the silver fabric. This is a Guarani story. A warrior is tormented by guilt for a murder committed in…
Leyenda del ñandú, Ave, Veloz, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Legend of the Rhea

Mitos y leyendas shares with you the tale of the rhea. This amiable creature was once human. Two brave warriors risked everything to help those in need. Eons…
El Gran Espíritu, Cosmos, Estrellas, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The Creation of the Great Spirit

Mitos y leyendas shares with you another version of a story about the Great Spirit and the creation of the world. In every culture, this type of story…
Primeros hombres, Selva, Cielo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y leyendas: The First Men According to the Mayans

Today we share with you the legend of the first men. Since these kinds of stories vary across cultures, we'd like to mention that this version is…
Bermejo, Agua, Luz, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Bermejo

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the Bermejo. It is a story in which two young lovers are punished for going against the laws.…
Leyenda de Nencatacoa, Historia, Ancestral, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Legend of Nencatacoa

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of Nencatacoa. It is about a being that comes from the Muisca people. Art is a principal characteristic of…
Los pingüinos, Aves, Hielo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Penguins

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of why penguins cannot fly. She also shares a couple of interesting facts about these little animals. They are…
Isla de Pascua, Cabeza gigante, Cielo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: Easter Island

Genny de Bernardo shares a legend from Easter Island with you. The creator god goes by the name of Make-Make. Here's how he created his first being.…
Picaflor y tatatao, Ave, Cielo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Hummingbird and the Tatatao

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the hummingbird and the tatatao. Here are two completely opposite individuals. Looks can deceive those who only see…
Mutisia, Planta, Naturaleza, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Mutisia

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the mutisia. War prevents two young people from being together. When discovered, they were punished and condemned. In…
Sol rojo, Cielo, Nubes, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Red Sun

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the red sun. It's a story where the disapproval of a marriage leads to chaos. The couple suffers…
Leyenda del mapinguarí, Hojas, Bestia, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Mapinguarí

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the Mapinguarí. It is about a mysterious and eerie creature from South America. A beast that some say…
Urutaú, Bosque, Naturaleza, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: Urutau

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the Urutau. Like so many stories, it speaks of a love that suffers. The bird, with its song,…
Tristeza Maya, Piedras, Talladas, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The sadness of the Maya

Genny de Bernardo shares with you a story called "The Sadness of the Maya." A Maya man can communicate with animals, and they offer to make his…
Tupá y el maíz, Cosecha, Elote, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: How Tupá made corn grow

Genny de Bernardo shares with you a story about Tupá and corn. Two warriors, upon seeing the plight of their people, make a decision to save them.…
Hombre lobo, Oscuridad, Sombra, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Werewolf

Genny de Bernardo shares a bit about the origin of the werewolf figure. There are many stories about how this tale originated. In some, it is a…
Algarrobo, Hojas, Rama, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Carob Tree

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the carob tree. The Comechingones defend themselves from an invasion. When they were tired, they asked the gods…
Los dos ríos, Fluidez, Corriente, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Two Rivers

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the two rivers. It is a story in which two friends compete to please a girl. In the…
Hornero, Rama, Árbol, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Ovenbird

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the ovenbird. The hornero is a little bird known for its ability to create its nest. They are…
Sirena del Río Uruguay, Criatura, Mar, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Mermaid of the Uruguay River

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the mermaid of the Uruguay River. It is a being believed to be different from the one that…
Churrinche, Rama, Ave, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: Scarlet tanager

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the Scarlet tanager. It's about a bird that considered itself unattractive. A sorcerer gave it a wonderful hue…
El Junco, Mar, Agua, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Reed

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the reed. It's the story of a vain woman who in some way mocks her suitors. The god…
Mapuches, Bandera, Humo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Mapuche

Genny de Bernardo shares facts about the Mapuche. The Mapuche are one of the most well-known tribes, but not many know details about them. There is still…
Origen del mundo, Continentes, Mar, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Origin of the World

Genny de Bernardo tells you another version of the origin of the world. The world in which the animals lived was becoming too small for them, so…
Cara Cruzada, Mujer, Nativo, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: Cross-Faced

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the curious legend of Cross-Faced. It is a story in which a man with a scar manages to marry a chief's…
La Tierra no es, Naturaleza, Fauna, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: Letter from Chief Seattle to Franklin Pierce

Genny de Bernardo shares a letter from Chief Seattle to President Franklin Pierce. It is a response to a proposal to buy the lands where they were…
Origen de los diamantes, Piedra preciosa, Brillante, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Tears of Potira

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the origin of diamonds. This is a Brazilian legend that tells of a young couple deeply in love.…
La mujer de los lobos, Tribus, Ancestros, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Wolf Woman

Genny de Bernardo shares with you the legend of the Wolf Woman. This is a legend that should not be taken entirely literally, but should be interpreted.…
Aguada de Talacasto, Gota, Onda, MundoNow, Podcast

Mitos y Leyendas: The Aguada de Talacasto

Genny de Bernardo shares the legend of the Aguada de Talacasto, a legend of the Huarpes. The Huarpes were an indigenous people who lived in the Cuyo…