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Rapper throws thousands to his fans from a helicopter (VIDEO)

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  • Dominican rapper El Alfa threw thousands to his fans.
  • El Alfa was recording a video with Rochy RD.
  • His actions have been harshly criticized on social media.

Last Saturday rapper El Alfa, along with Rochy RD, began filming a music video in Cristo Rey. However, what caught people’s attention was when the singer threw thousands of dollars to his fans from a helicopter.

Emanuel Herrera Batista, better known as El Alfa or El Alfa el Jefe, is a rapper from the Dominican Republic who has given everyone much to talk about after his stunt on Saturday. He and Rochy RD he decided to have some fun with his fans.

El Alfa films a music video with Rochy RD

El Alfa and Rochy RD recorded the video for 'The poor and the rich'

On Saturday, El Alfa and Rochy RD were filming the music video for their song Los pobres y los ricos in Cristo Rey, a sector of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. The duo had a budget to make the music video, however they decided to do something different with the money.

They decided to give the budget for the video to the residents of Cristo Rey. «We prefer all that money that they were going to spend on the vide  go to the people,» explains El Alfa at the end of the music video. However, the way they did it earned them criticism on social media.

The rappers gave away millions to their followers

During the filming they gave away millions to their followers

The budget for the music video was six million Dominican pesos, which is around $100,000. The rappers decided it was a better idea to give it away to their fans than to make an extravagant music video for their song.

So they recorded the music video in the streets of Cristo Rey, where we can see El Alfa and Rochy RD walking among the people surrounded by security. They hand a few bills to people while many others are thrown from the roof of an establishment.

Rapper throws thousands to his fans from helicopter

The singer El Alfa throws millions to his followers during the recording of a music video
PHOTO Instagram

However, the roof of the establishment was not the only place they dropped money from. They also threw it from a helicopter. From the helicopter you can see the money falling and people quickly running to grab it.

Similarly, from the roof where money was thrown, you can see people running and waving their hands trying to get it. Though the rapper was trying to do a good deed for his fans, netizens quickly criticized his actions.

Rapper throws thousands from helicopter and is criticized

The singer El Alfa fans millions to his followers and criticism rains down on him
PHOTO Instagram

After the video was shared showing El Alfa throwing thousands of dollars to his fans, internet users began to criticize his actions. While the rapper tried to do a good deed, people did not take it that way.

“This cries in the eyes of God. What is the need to throw money away, give an envelope to each family in private if they really want to help. That looks so humiliating.» «Terrible for my taste, there are ways to help without humiliating, my personal opinion.» «What a way to play with human misery.» «I try to be MrBeast and end up being Mr. Beast.» These are some of the comments about the video. To see the video click HERE.

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