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Poor Adamari Lopez! A new season of ‘Hoy Día’ begins and people don’t like the new hosts (VIDEO)

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  • Andrea Meza, Chikybombom and Penélope Menchaca join Hoy Día.
  • Will Adamari López be negatively affected by the new show?
  • People are disenchanted with the new season of Telemundo’s morning show.

On Monday, December 5, Telemundo’s morning show Hoy Día began a new season after the firing of Chiquibaby and Quique Usales. Adamari López was the only host who remained on the show and the three new hosts aren’t going over well with the public.

With Dio Lluberes, former producer of Venga la Alegría in Mexico and Telemundo’s hiring of Sandra Smester, it seems that the ‘carne al asador’ was already set against the competition Univisión and Despierta América, so Hoy Día experienced its first broadcast with new hosts: Andrea Meza, the Chikybombom and Penélope Menchaca.

The new Hoy Día premieres

Adamari López and new colleagues

The objective of the new space is to capture the attention and interest of the Hispanic public in order to lure away Despierta América’s audience. As a ‘desperate’ measure for the relaunch of Hoy Día, made Francisca make a fool of herself by cutting her hair and crying.

But things are not going to be easy for Andrea Meza, Penélope Menchaca and Chikybombom because people did not like their debut so they will have to work to raise ratings.

Will Penélope Menchaca and company be a problem for Adamari López?

Penelope Menchaca in Today

Penélope Menchaca has the curse of Mexico, since the program she used to host was canceled for bad ratings which could represent a huge problem for Adamari López, who has struggled to be the main reason to watch Hoy Día for several years.

People specified that they should change several things about Hoy Día and criticized this relaunch: “No thanks, Chiquibaby, Nacho, and Chef are no longer there.” “If they REALLY cared about the opinion of the audience… They would have put real talents, professionals, eg: Rashel, Daniel Sarcos, Sandarti… CHANGE for the GOOD!!» «So many people and it’s still the same… a failure.» «The program was very bad, they took out the Chef and Nacho, excellent professionals.»

People are not happy with the new Hoy Día?

today day new stage

More people expressed their dissatisfaction with the changes: «Missing Chiquibaby, it’s a shame they don’t know how to choose hosts.» «It looks like Azteca America…” “It is the most despicable thing I have seen, no longer look for studied professionals, better put TikTokers with millions of followers.”

Will Andrea Meza, Penélope Menchaca and Chikybombom ruin the show for Adamari López? The Puerto Rican host has the best attitude, but people can’t take it anymore: “Are you really interested in our opinion? Well, they go from bad to worse.” “They should not take away Adamari’s prominence. The show is her.” “Shame on them. Celebrating that they kick people out for what? They did a bad job.” “How lazy.”

The latest from Adamari López?

Andrea Meza new partner of Adamari López

While media like Telemundo, Publímetro and others reported that Adamari López enjoyed the premiere of the new season, it is said that if it does not work, she will return to lead roles in soap operas and tv series, while she is ecstatic star of Amor and Passion.

«This daddy, hottie, cockiness that came out in Hercai… Do you remember? He left me in love,» said Adamari López on one occasion expressing her desire for the 32-year-old Turkish actor Süreyya Akın Akınözü, which proves that she still likes younger men. SEE THE VIDEO OF ADAMARI LÓPEZ AND HOY DÍA’S NEW SEASON. Some images in this note come from this video.

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