Social Security benefits: 5 reasons you might not get the money
Millions of citizens in the United States depend on Social Security benefits. There are five reasons why people might not receive the money.
- Millions of citizens in the United States depend on Social Security benefits.
- The Social Security Administration approved a maximum payment of $4,194 per month for 2022.
- There are five reasons why people might not receive the money.
Millions of citizens in US depend on Social Security benefits, so we tell you about five reasons why you might not receive the money. Stay tuned and don’t miss out on the opportunity.
It is estimated that by 2022, some 66 million Americans, generally older adults, will enjoy Social Security benefits, but the truth is that not everyone is eligible to receive monthly checks, which often represent an important part people’s income.
Social Security benefits
If they meet all the requirements, once a US citizen reaches age 62, then they can start claiming Social Security benefits. While this money is not meant to replace all of their pre-retirement income, it is of enormous benefit.
Last year, the Social Security Administration (SSA) approved a maximum payment of $4,194 dollars per month for Social Security recipients in 2022. However, there are a few reasons a person might not get that money. Find out what they are.
5 reasons why you might not receive Social Security
The first reason is if the person moves to a certain foreign countries. If a beneficiary wishes to retire in another country, Social Security generally sends them their check, but there are certain limitations in North Korea, Cuba, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The good news is that upon returning to the United States it’s possible to claim all uncashed checks.
Another reason is that there are cases where it is possible that people do not qualify for spousal benefits. For example, if a person gets divorced and remarries, then she or he could lose the $750 received as a spousal benefit from their previous partner, even though they may be eligible based on their new partner’s record, according to The Sun.
You didn’t work long enough
The third reason you might not receive the money is if you didn’t work enough. If you were born in 1929 or later, the SSA will check to make sure that you have 40 credits or have worked at least 10 years, as they will average zeros in your calculation for each year you have missing earnings. Keep in mind that the ideal is to have worked at least 35 years.
Another disadvantage is if you are working while claiming Social Security benefits. If in 2022 your income exceeds $19,560, the agency will withhold $1 for every $2 you earn above that threshold. If the beneficiary reaches their full retirement age, which could be 66 or 67, then the SSA will deduct only $1 for every $3 they earn over $51,960.
Be careful with your money
The last of the reasons we have listed is if a person was a federal or railroad worker. This is because if during their work years they contributed to other retirement programs, then they might not qualify for Social Security benefits. This is the case for those who could be covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System and the Law Railway Retirement.
Finally, experts recommend that citizens wait to start claiming Social Security benefits, and, although they can start claiming Social Security benefits from the age of 62, if they do so closer to age 70, then they will be able to enjoy larger checks.