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5 ways to tell if you’re wearing the wrong bra size

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Learn how to figure out if you’re wearing the wrong bra size! Do you know how important it is to choose the correct style and size of bra for your body type? This is because, according to a study involving osteopaths and chiropractors, more than 80% of women wear bras that are not the right size, which could cause moderate to severe discomfort.

According to statistics, 70% of women wear bras that are too small while 10% wear bras that are too large. And they don’t even realize it! For this reason, it is always advisable to verify that the bra you wear is comfortable and does what you need it to. Learn how to figure out if you’re wearing the wrong bra size!

5. The cups are puckering

Woman buying bra

An effective way to identify that your bra is the wrong size is to see if there are puckers or gaps between the cup and your breasts. Puckering means that the cup size might be too big for you or that some adjustment of the straps is required.

When there is a considerable space between the cup and your breast, it is advisable to try a different size, as it is a sign that the cup is not providing the necessary support.

4. The cups do not cover your breasts

A bra in a store

A bra should provide the necessary support for you to carry out all your activities without discomfort or inconvenience. One way to ensure that this is the case is to get a bra that covers your entire breast.

When a bra is too tight, your breasts can spill out, creating a «double boob». This is not only uncomfortable, it will also make your clothes hang incorrectly. In this case, it is best to look for a bra that is one or two sizes larger, until you find one that fits you.

3. The back of the bra rides up

bra on a hanging shoulder pad

Although the front of your bra is very important, the back must also meet certain requirements. It should feel comfortable and support the clasp and the straps. If the length of the straps or the length of the band don’t fit, it is time to look for a new bra.

Many women say it’s difficult to find a bra that perfectly fits their body, but there are options for all body types and sizes. Manual adjustment of the band and straps may be enough so that your bra is comfortable and functional.

2. The straps fall down


A sure sign that it is necessary to change bra size is when the straps slip and fall to the sides. This can happen for various reasons, such as worn elastic or simply that it’s too big for you.

The fact that the straps slip off might seem like a minor problem, but this, in addition to being an aesthetic issue, means that your breasts are not receiving the necessary support and that the cups will be uncomfortably misaligned every time you wear this garment.

1. It leaves marks on your skin


If your bra is too tight, you will notice marks on your skin, especially around the shoulders, back, and underside of the cups. If, even after making adjustments, you find that your bra continues to leave marks on your body, this means that it is a smaller size than you need.

Finding the perfect bra size seems like an odyssey, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. Remember that your comfort and well-being is the main objective, and that you shouldn’t settle for a size that wreaks havoc on your body, as there are always options.

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