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Target Deal Days: All about Target’s long-awaited summer sale

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Target Deal Days ofertas de Target
  • Target Deal Days returns.
  • The big online shopping event will last for three days.
  • Here is all the info so you can take advantage of the best discounts.

SUMMER SALE! Many have been waiting for the return of the Target Deal Days the enormous summer sale at Target stores. We tell you everything you need to know so you won’t miss the opportunity to get everything you need and want at great prices.

After Amazon came up with Amazon Prime Day, Target responded with a similar initiative: Target Deal Days. It’s an online-only shopping event that lasts for three days where they offer their customers the best discounts on their products.

Target Deal Days

Target Deal Days Target Deals
Photo Capture Target Web

There is no time to lose. This year, Target Deal Days starts on Monday, July 11 and will lasts through Wednesday July 13. The good news is that the company has already promised to surprise shoppers with hefty discounts on «hundreds of thousands of items.»

“With this year’s event being our biggest ever, guests can shop more incredible deals and items, with three full days to save on must-have products that will bring them joy all summer and beyond,” said Christina Hennington, executive vice president and chief growth officer for Target.

What products will be on sale?

Target Deal Days Target Deals
Photo: Twitter

Target indicated in its statement that customers can save up to $70 on Apple products. OMG! Although, of course, that’s not all because you can also find, for example, up to 50% off on certain headphones and other electronics.

They will also offer 25% off beauty products, 30% off household items, up to 50% off toys, a 40% discount on kitchen appliances and 35% off on floor cleaning products.

How can you take advantage of the offers?

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As if that were not enough, Target will also give away gift cards worth up to $10 to those customers who spend at least $50 in the food and beverage department. Target added that they will be posting new deals daily, which they hope will motivate customers to visit their website every day.

All store discounts can be taken advantage of by anyone in the United States, as the company has made it clear that no Circle membership or Target red card is required to enjoy the Target Deal Days.

Online sale

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Please note that Target Deal Days is a sale designed especially for online shopping, but Target still offers you the ability to shop online and pickup your items at the nearest store or have them delivered to your doorstep.

Target usually has this type of event twice a year. In 2021, for example, it had major sales in June and October, so it is possible that they will repeat the opportunity for their buyers in the fall. For now, run to get your computer or cell phone and TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OFFERS!

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