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Finding an immigration lawyer near me: 10 fooproof tips

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Find the best immigration lawyer near you! Although each case is different, an expert immigration lawyer can help you in all the processes related to the regularization of your immigration status. With this advice, you will be able to make concrete decisions to avoid or follow up on situations such as deportation, or access to a visa that allows you to legally enter the country to reside or to work. Know the 10 infallible to find the best lawyer near you:

How do I know if I need a lawyer?

The first thing you should do is define what is the problem you are facing or what resources you are trying to access in the country. Based on this information, it will be easier to find the right immigration lawyer. There are different options, such as immigration attorneys who work pro bono and those who belong to a firm or work autonomously. In any case, their help will be essential.

How to avoid fraud?

Finding an immigration lawyer near me

Unfortunately, in your search for an immigration attorney you may come across many ill-intentioned people who want to take advantage of your needs as an immigrant. Given this, the authorities recommend contacting only certified lawyers and always carefully reading all the forms that have to be filled out. In addition, remember that you should never pay for immigration forms, and that you should always request the information of the lawyer you have to hire to verify that he has the credentials required by the authorities.

How much does an immigration lawyer charge?

Hiring an immigration lawyer can be somewhat expensive, depending on the type of process you need help with. In some cases, the price per hour is between $100 and $500. Regardless of the fee charged by the lawyer, always remember to sign a contract where the conditions of service are stipulated, because in certain cases it is possible that these professionals will not charge if they lose the case.

How can an immigration lawyer help me?

Finding an immigration lawyer near me

In general terms, an immigration attorney has the task of supporting the processes corresponding to the regularization of the immigration status of their clients, especially in cases of deportation. Although avoiding deportation is one of the most frequent cases, they can also help you attain residence or prepare the necessary documents to obtain a job in the country and even be able to access visas for family members who live in other countries.

Get advice

Although it is true that in some cases related to immigration matters they are extremely urgent, there is also the possibility of taking the time to compare prices and references. Try to verify the opinions with people who have received the same service, so it will be easier for you to make a decision that suits your interests, taking into account the rate and the services provided by the lawyer.

The United States Department of Justice


If you can’t afford legal help, it is best to go to the United States Department of Justice, where immigrants can receive free legal help and maintain a connection with immigration authorities. A positive aspect of this is that you do not have to the central offices in person, since they have a website where you will find an experienced lawyer who has the necessary time to take your case.

American Immigration Lawyers Association

If you’re looking for help from a verified organization, turn to the American Immigration Lawyers Association. This organization has a search engine that allows you to geographically select the type of lawyer you need according to your language and problems. This association is the only one in the entire country that offers a database with more than 15,000 lawyers specializing in immigration.

Refugee legal aid information

Lawyer signing paper

As you can see, the web is the perfect place to find a lawyer specializing in immigration matters. In this case, the legal aid information site for refugees contains a directory of information according to the country of each applicant. In it, you can find relevant documents and information to learn more about this process and always stay informed, especially if you are interested in family reunification.

On this website you will be able to locate a certified immigration attorney near the area where you live. The only thing you will have to provide is your zip code. For Immigration Law Help, the most important thing is that you have a clear picture of what type of help you need and how you can access it to resolve the immigration situation you is going through.

National Directory of Immigration Legal Services


This directory is the result of a joint effort between the Inmigration Advocates Network and Pro Bono Net. Its mission is to provide options according to the geographic area and needs of immigrants. In it, you can find an interactive map and a section of frequently asked questions with which you can define the type of service you require and thus find a lawyer who can respond to your needs promptly and efficiently.

The post Finding an Immigration Lawyer Near Me: 10 Infallible Tips appeared first on Mundo Hispanico.

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