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What is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)?

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What is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)? Surely you have heard of the New York Stock Exchange, but do you know what it is? Without a doubt, this is one of the most important benchmarks in the economy and the one that guides the behavior of the most important companies, not only in the United States, but around the world. Here you can learn a little more about the NYSE: its history, function and importance, as well as some curious facts that will be fascinating to you. Get to know them here!

History of the New York Stock Exchange

The New York Stock Exchange has a long history. Its founding dates back to 1792 by 24 independent stockbrokers who wanted to eliminate the need for a auctioneer and advocated implementing commission rates for the exchange of certain products. Years later, in 1817, what is now known as the New York Exchange was founded. It has since established New York as the center of commercial operations in the United States, a position that was previously claimed by Philadelphia. In 1865, operations began at 11 Wall Street, a building that was declared a historical monument in1978.

Stock Exchange Functions

What is the New York Stock Exchange

The objective of the companies that operate on the New York Stock Exchange is to considerably increase their capital. In essence, investors must make the decision to buy or sell shares to increase the value of companies. Over the years, and with technological advances, the way in which the Exchange operates has changed, since today most of the operations are automated, which represents a great contribution in terms of agility with the that trading decisions need to be made trades can be generated in a minute!

Who works at the New York Stock Exchange?

Among the different positions that can be filled within the New York Stock Exchange are: floor brokers, stockbrokers, settlement agents, arbitrageurs and commission brokers. Tasks may vary. For example, a floor runner has the mission of carrying out the movements suggested by the agents. In exchange, they receive a pre-established commission, while others, such as stockbrokers, work autonomously and always carry out movements in their own name.


What is the New York Stock Exchange

Although it may not seem like it, even the New York Stock Exchange takes a few days a year to cease operations on dates that are established and communicated in advance. These dates include: Thanksgiving, New Year, Independence Day, Labor Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, the birth of George Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.


Do you know which indices are included within the New York Stock Exchange? Here we present them to you! These are the Dow Jones, the NASDAQ 100 index, the SP500 and the NASDAQ COMPOSITE. The Dow Jones is the oldest stock market index, while the NASDAQ 100 only includes the 100 stocks of the world’s largest companies. Perhaps one of the most important indices is the NASDAQ COMPOSITE, which includes only 500 companies.

Stock Exchange Hours

Some stock charts

Although it might seem that the most important Stock Exchange in the world operates 24/7, 365 days a year, this is not the case. And that is why strict hours have been established, which go from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. p.m. All operations are carried out taking into account Eastern Time. As a point to highlight, since 1870, the Exchange invites prominent personalities to ring the opening bell.

How to invest

How do you invest and participate in the operations of the most important Stock Market in the world? To do so, you have to follow steps like choosing a platform, opening an account, depositing funds, buying shares and carefully monitoring investments. To buy stocks, you need to choose an online stockbroker and research which stocks to buy; Finally, the type of transaction to be carried out must be chosen.

Requirements to list on the Stock Exchange


It is no secret that the New York Stock Exchange is the most quoted in the world, and that is why only the most prosperous companies, or those with a minimum number of shareholders, can participate in it. If a company has 400 shareholders who own more than 100 shares, plus a market value of public shares of $40 million, then it can participate in these operations.

The post What is the New York Stock Exchange? appeared first on Mundo Hispanico.

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