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Starting line strategies: A beginner’s guide to marathon training

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Entrenamiento para un maratón, mujer, corredora, carrera, atleta, MundoNOW / Marathon training, woman, runner, race, athlete, MundoNOW
Marathon training (Photo: Shutterstock)
  • Check out our guide to marathon training.
  • Some people say it’s life changing.
  • Embrace the joy of running.

Training for a marathon, especially as a beginner, can be a thrilling yet challenging experience as the prospect of running 26.2 miles often seems daunting at first.

This guide is designed to support first-time marathoners in preparing effectively, ensuring a safe and enjoyable marathon experience from start to finish.

We cover essential strategies, from crafting a suitable training plan to understanding the importance of nutrition and rest.

Whether you’re running for personal achievement, a charitable cause, or simply for the joy of it, these tips will help set you on the path to marathon success.

Creating a realistic marathon training plan

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Photo: MundoNOW Archive

The foundation of successful marathon training for beginners is developing a realistic and well-structured training plan.

Starting your training at least 20 to 24 weeks before the marathon allows enough time to gradually build endurance and adapt to the physical demands of long-distance running.

A balanced training plan should include a mix of long runs for stamina, speed work for pace improvement and recovery days to allow your body to rest and repair.

It’s important to listen to your body throughout the training process, adjusting your plan to accommodate physical cues and life’s unexpected demands.

Importance of proper gear

sneakers, running, gear, athlete, training
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Selecting the right gear is crucial in ensuring a comfortable and injury-free marathon training experience.

High-quality running shoes, specifically designed to support your foot type and running style, are the most critical piece of equipment.

In addition to shoes, appropriate attire is essential — opt for moisture-wicking fabrics to keep you dry and comfortable during long runs.

Accessories like a hydration pack or belt, and a GPS watch or app to track your progress, can also enhance your training experience, keeping you hydrated and motivated.

Nutrition and hydration for marathon training

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Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Nutrition and hydration are key components of marathon training, providing the fuel and hydration your body needs to handle long runs and recover afterward.

A diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats will give you the necessary energy for training, while staying well-hydrated.

Incorporating electrolyte-replenishing drinks during and after your runs can help maintain electrolyte balance.

Understanding and catering to your body’s nutritional needs before, during and after your runs is crucial for sustaining energy levels, improving recovery and maintaining overall health.

Incorporating strength training and cross-training

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Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Including strength training and cross-training in your marathon preparation is vital for building a strong, balanced body.

Strength exercises, such as squats, lunges, and core workouts, will improve your overall muscle endurance and running efficiency, enhancing your performance and reducing the risk of injury.

Cross-training activities, like cycling, swimming or yoga, provide additional cardiovascular benefits, improve flexibility and give your primary running muscles a much-needed break.

Integrating these workouts into your training not only boosts physical conditioning but also adds variety, keeping your routine engaging and enjoyable.

The role of rest and recovery in marathon training

couple, marathon, outdoors, fitness, stretching
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

Incorporating adequate rest and recovery into your training plan is essential for avoiding injury and ensuring peak performance on race day.

Regular rest days allow your body to heal from the physical stress of running, adapt to the increased demands, and prevent overtraining.

Adequate sleep is also crucial for recovery, along with practices like stretching, foam rolling and massage, which can aid in injury prevention and enhance overall performance.

Listening to your body and allowing sufficient time for rest and recovery is key to a successful training program and longevity in running.

Tapering before the race

mileage, intensity, goal, woman, MundoNOW
Photo: MundoNOW Archive

The final weeks leading up to the marathon involve tapering, a crucial phase where you reduce the volume of your training to allow your body to rest and store energy for race day.

A typical tapering period lasts two to three weeks, during which you gradually decrease your mileage while maintaining some level of intensity in your workouts.

This period of reduced activity is essential for muscle repair and energy conservation, helping you arrive at the starting line feeling refreshed, strong, and ready for the challenge ahead.

Properly executed, tapering can significantly enhance your performance and enjoyment of the marathon, making it an integral part of your training plan.


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