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Sheynnis Palacios, Donald Trump Jr, advertencia, MundoNOW, Donald Trump Jr. Criticizes Sheynnis Palacios?

Donald Trump Jr comes out to celebrate Miss Denmark’s victory

Donald Trump Jr. Criticizes Sheynnis Palacios? The Former President's Son Sparks Controversy "We Are Back," He Declares On Saturday, November 16, the crowning of Victoria Kjaer as…
ama tu cuerpo, curvas, amor propio, autoestima, amigas

Embracing every curve: A journey to body love and acceptance

Learn to love your body. Embrace your curves! Self confidence is your biggest asset. Embracing every curve of your body is a journey that moves beyond mere…

5 common uses for botox

Is Botox only for cosmetic use? Botulinum toxin is used to reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging. Learn about 5 common uses for Botox. Do you…
Cómo peinar el cabello rizado, riendo, mujer, pelo rizado, camiseta-laughing, woman, curly hair, t-shirt

The ultimate guide to managing and styling curly hair

Tips for how to style curly hair. Learn to tame your mane. Embrace your curls. Navigating the world of curly hair care can be challenging. This comprehensive…
Cambios estilo de vida para acné, hermosa, mujer, posando,Cambios estilo de vida para acné,-beautiful, woman, posing, lifestyle changes, acne

The journey to clearer skin: Lifestyle changes to reduce acne

Lifestyle changes for acne. Get clearer skin naturally. These simple tips will improve your complexion. Achieving clearer skin often involves more than just topical treatments; it's about…
qué es el skinimalismo, mujer, cuidado de la piel, belleza, MundoNOW-what is skinimalism, woman, skincare, beauty, MundoNOW

The rise of skinimalism: How less can be more for your skin

What is skinimalism? Pare down your skincare routine. Sometimes less really is more. Skinimalism, the latest trend in the beauty industry, is all about embracing a minimalist…

More details about the arrest of Indiana beauty queen Glenis Zapata

Glenis Zapata was arrested for drug trafficking. Her sister is also involved. She is accused of laundering money for Mexican cartels. A former Miss Indiana Latina, Glenis…

A new Miss USA 2023 is crowned after Noelia Voigt stepped down

Savannah Gankiewicz is crowned Miss USA. Noelia Voigt resigned earlier this month. The new Miss USA sends a message. After Miss USA Noelia Voigt resigned earlier this…
Rutinas de cabello naturales , Morena, largo, rizado, pelo, mujer- Brunette, long, curly, hair, woman

Belleza Latina: 6 natural hair and skincare tips for Latinas

Natural hair routines for Latinas. Get a glowing complexion without spending a mint. Embrace your natural beauty. Embracing natural beauty routines can not only enhance your appearance…
beneficios de la aromaterapia, spa, mujer, belleza, piel-benefits of aromatherapy, spa, woman, beauty, skin

Discovering the benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils

Learn about the benefits of aromatherapy. Discover the world of essential oils. Find your zen. Aromatherapy and essential oils are like a secret garden, full of natural…
diferencias bakuchiol vs retinol, mujer, cuidado de la piel, belleza, MundoNOW-Bakuchiol vs. Retinol, woman, skincare, beauty, MundoNOW

Bakuchiol vs. Retinol: Understanding the differences and benefits

Bakuchiol vs. retinol. Learn about anti-aging skincare. What is the difference? When it comes to skincare ingredients that really make a difference, retinol has long been the…
cosmetología, cirugía plástica, eliminación de grasa bucal, MundoNOW-cosmetology, plastic surgery, buccal fat removal, MundoNOW

Understanding buccal fat removal: Is it right for you?

What is buccal fat removal? Celebs are loving this procedure. Get chiseled cheekbones overnight. Buccal fat removal is catching the eye of many who want to define…
Retinol para principiantes, rutina de cuidado de la piel para primavera, mujer, cara, belleza-spring skincare routine, woman, face, beauty

Spring forward: Must-try natural remedies for rejuvenating your skin

Update your spring skincare routine. It's time to hydrate! Get a glowing complexion naturally. In the world of skincare, natural remedies have stood the test of time,…
cuidado de piel seca, Feliz, belleza, mujer, mirando hacia otro lado, MundoNOW / Happy, beauty, woman, looking away, MundoNOW

Say goodbye to dry skin: Your guide to restoring moisture

Dry skin care tips. Get a glowing complexion. The key is hydration! Dry skin is a common concern that can be both uncomfortable and challenging, often leading…
desvanecer la hiperpigmentación, mujer, hiperpigmentación, belleza, consejos. / woman, hyperpigmentation, beauty, tips

Fading hyperpigmentation naturally: Effective remedies and tips

Tips for fading hyperpigmentation. Natural remedies that work. Get a clearer, fresher complexion. Hyperpigmentation, a common skin concern characterized by darkened patches of skin, can be a…
Maquillaje para hombres, piel, belleza, consejos, MundoNOW / Makeup for men, skin, beauty, tips, MundoNOW

Breaking stereotypes: Makeup for men

It's time to consider makeup for men. Women aren't the only ones who want glowing skin. Gender roles are changing. The world of makeup, traditionally seen as…
¿Funcionan los dispositivos de microcorriente?, cosmetóloga, mujer, terapia facial, belleza / cosmetologist, woman, facial therapy, beauty

Can microcurrent devices truly transform your skin?

Do microcurrent devices work? They are more affordable than ever. Learn more about this skincare trend. The beauty industry is constantly evolving, introducing innovative tools and technologies…
Mascarillas faciales para acné, acné, mascarillas, mujer, cuidado de la piel, belleza / acne, face masks, woman, skincare, beauty

Dermatologist-approved face masks for banishing breakouts

Try these acne face masks. Banish breakouts now! Different types of skin require different products. Dealing with acne and breakouts can be frustrating, but the right mask…
secretos de belleza de abuela, Feliz, señorita, adulta, hija, nieta. / Happy, young lady, adult, daughter, granddaughter

Beauty secrets from abuela that actually work

Beauty secrets from abuela. These old school methods work. Try some of these natural treatments. In every Hispanic family, abuelas are the guardians of treasured beauty secrets,…
yoga facial, hermosa, joven, mujer, cara yoga, ejercicios. / Beautiful, young, woman, face yoga, exercises

Unlocking the secrets of face yoga: Does it really work?

Does face yoga work for wrinkles? Learn more about facial massage. It's relaxing and beautifying! Face yoga has recently emerged as a popular trend in the world…
bakuchiol versus retinol, suero, retinol, protección de la piel, belleza, mujer / serum, retinol, skincare, beauty, woman

Bakuchiol vs Retinol: The natural alternative explained

Could bakuchiol replace retinol? Learn more about its benefits. More about this natural alternative. In the world of skincare, retinol has long been celebrated for its anti-aging…
cuidado de la piel en invierno, mujer, nieve, fuera de, protección de la piel, invierno / woman, snow, outside, skincare, winter

Winter skincare: How to combat dryness and keep your glow

Winter skincare tips. Banish dry skin. Maintain your glow until spring. Winter brings a unique set of challenges for skin care, with cold air and indoor heating…
ingredientes fermentados para el cuidado de la piel, fermentado, ingredientes para el cuidado de la piel, mujer, belleza / fermented, skincare ingredients, woman, beauty

Fermented skincare ingredients: A trend worth trying?

What are fermented skincare ingredients? We look at this trend. It could be just what your winter skin needs. Fermented skincare has gained popularity in the beauty…
Karen Celebertti, director, Miss Universe, beauty, MundoNOW

Is the Miss Nicaragua pageant plotting to overthrow the government?

Miss Nicaragua pageant scandal! Could Sheynnis Palacios lose her crown? The pageant's director is accused of plotting a coup. On Friday, December 1. Nicaraguan police accused the…
details Miss Universe 2023, Miss Nicaragua, Sheynnis Palacios, winner, MundoNOW / detalles Miss Universo 2023, Miss Nicaragua, Sheynnis Palacios, ganadora, MundoNOW

5 things you didn’t know about Miss Universe 2023

Surprising facts about Miss Universe 2023. Jane Dipika Garrett was the first plus-size contestant. Marina Machete was the first trans woman to compete. The 72nd edition of…
rellenadores de labios naturales, mujer, belleza, labios, cabello / natural lip plumpers, woman, beauty, lips, hair

Pout perfections: Top 6 natural lip plumpers you should try

Try these natural lip plumpers! You don't need to resort to fillers. You may already have these at home. Consider this a holistic approach to lip enhancement…
Sheynnis Palacios shows herself naturally, Miss Universe 2023, Miss Nicaragua, Sheynnis Palacios, Winner / Sheynnis Palacios se muestra al natural, Miss Universo 2023, Miss Nicaragua, Sheynnis Palacios, Ganadora

Miss Universe Sheynnis Palacios posts a makeup-free selfie

Sheynnis Palacios' makeup-free selfie. The new Miss Universe is changing beauty standards. She sends a powerful message. The night of November 18 marked a milestone in the…
Karla Guilfú Acevedo, Miss Universe, Miss Puerto Rico, MundoNOW / Karla Guilfú Acevedo, Miss Universo, Miss Puerto Rico, MundoNOW

Who is Miss Puerto Rico Karla Guilfú Acevedo?

Miss Puerto Rico Karla Guilfú Acevedo. She promotes mental health awareness. She competed for Miss Universe. In an interview with Telemundo, Karla Guilfú Acevedo shared her goals…
Jane Dipika Garrett, Miss Nepal, Miss Universe 2023, beauty, MundoNOW / Jane Dipika Garrett, Miss Nepal, Miss Universo 2023, belleza, MundoNOW

The first plus-size Miss Nepal: Who is Jane Dipka Garrett?

Jane Dipka Garrett is the first plus-size Miss Nepal. She advocates for body positivity. Meet the beauty queen. When thinking about beauty pageants like Miss Universe, we…
Melissa Flores, Mexico, Miss Universe 2023, MundoNOW / Melissa Flores, México, Miss Universo 2023, MundoNOW

Who is Melissa Flores? She represented Mexico in Miss Universe 2023

Who is Miss Mexico Melissa Flores? She competed for Miss Universe this year. Learn about her initiative, No Me Limites. On Saturday, November 18, 2023, the finale…
Miss Universe, Sheynnis Palacios, beauty, paegent, MundoNOW

The new Miss Universe, Sheynnis Palacios, opens up about her mental health struggles

Miss Universe Sheynnis Palacios opens up. The beauty queen talks about her mental health struggles. She suffers from anxiety. Sheynnis Palacios opens up about her mental health…
baroque nails, painted, beauty, woman, MundoNOW / uñas barrocas, pintadas, belleza, mujer, MundoNOW

What are Baroque nails?

What are Baroque nails? It's the newest TikTok nail trend. The lavish mani is inspired by Baroque art. A trend has been making waves on TikTok lately...…
woman, bottle, uses for castor oil, beauty, MundoNOW

From hair to heels: How castor oil can enhance your beauty routine

Uses for castor oil in your beauty routine. It helps skin, hair and more. Incorporate this versatile oil into your routine. You've heard about its magical properties…
who is Noelia Voigt, Miss USA, Hispanic, beauty pageant, MundoNOW / quién es Noelia Voigt, Miss USA, hispana, certamen de belleza, MundoNOW

Who is Noelia Voigt? Meet the first Hispanic Miss USA

Who is Noelia Voigt? Meet the first Hispanic Miss USA. Learn about her tragic past. Noelia Victoria Voigt will never forget September 29, 2023. On that date,…
Mucina de caracol en el cuidado de la piel, hombre montando, concepto, MundoNOW / Snail mucin in skincare, man riding, concept, MundoNOW

Snail mucin in skincare: The science behind the slime

How did snail mucin become a skincare trend? Find out why you should consider adding it to your beauty routine. You could become a snail mucin convert!…
cuidado de la piel en invierno, mujer, nieve, fuera de, protección de la piel, invierno / woman, snow, outside, skincare, winter

Winter skin prep: 5 essential steps for a radiant glow

Simple winter skin care tips. Get a glowing complexion all year round. Just follow these 5 steps! Winter is coming, and with it, we face the usual…
Detox, Botox, Colágeno, Vitaminas, Minerales, Tratamiento, Terapia

Collagen 101: The essential guide to nature’s building block

What is collagen? It is essential for skin, bones joints and more. Learn everything about nature's building block. Collagen is a buzzword that has taken the beauty…
mascarilla antienvejecimiento, mujer madura-mujer joven, concepto de belleza, envejecimiento, Salud, MundoNOW / Mature woman-young woman, concept of beauty, aging, Health, MundoNOW

Defying age: 5 proven ways to combat wrinkles

How to get rid of wrinkles. Look younger and improve your confidence. It's easier than you think! Aging is a natural part of life that brings wisdom,…
Cuidado del cabello totalmente natural, mujer, otoño, belleza, MundoNOW

All-natural hair masks: DIY recipes

Embrace all-natural hair care! Try these DIY hair masks today. You don't need to spend a fortune for gorgeous locks. Looking for ways to give your hair…
Polo Morín, el actor mexicano y gay que tiene mejor cuerpo que William Levy

Polo Morín: The Mexican gay icon whose body rivals William Levy’s

Polo Morín is a renowned actor and model. He has 2.1 million followers on Instagram. Learn about the openly gay soap star. Meet Polo Morín, the Mexican…

5 surprising ways to use Aquaphor in your beauty routine

5 surprising uses for Aquaphor. Zendaya swears by Aquaphor. How to incorporate it into your beauty routine. Aquaphor, a versatile moisturizer, proves to be useful for both…

5 non-invasive cosmetic procedures

What are the best minor cosmetic procedures? Some stand out for their speed and effectiveness. Discover 5 non-invasive cosmetic procedures for face and body. Discover the most…

Tijuana beauty queen María Luisa Manríquez Anguiano is found dead (PHOTOS)

Tijuana beauty queen María Luisa Manríquez Anguiano is found dead. She was allegedly murdered by her ex. What happened to the young woman? Beauty queen María Luisa…

What Hispanics should never do on a date according to La Bronca

La Bronca has dating advice for Hispanics. Radio host Sylvia del Valle reveals what men should never do. Do you agree with her? La Bronca has dating…

Lele Pons proudly shows off her cellulite in tight shorts

Lele Pons shows off her body without filters. The influencer revealed her cellulite in tight shorts. Her followers applaud her body positive message. Lele Pons, the queen…

Silvia Pinal shows off her legs in the pool at 91

Alejandra Guzmán shares photos with her mother Silvia Pinal. Silvia Pinal shows off her legs in the pool. The beloved actress as we've never seen her before.…

Enrique Iglesias’ partner Anna Kournikova shows off her best bikini pics

Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias have been together for over 20 years. She is a former professional tennis player. Anna Kournikova shares her best bikini photos. Anna…

Rodrigo De Paul’s girlfriend Tini Stoessel shows off her bikini bod

Tini Stoessel is known in the music world as TINI. The singer shows off her bikini bod on social media. She is the girlfriend of Argentine soccer…