Baba Vanga’s prophecies for 2023: Some have already come true!

  • Which of Baba Vanga’s prophecies for 2023 have come true?
  • She made her warnings very clear.
  • Did she predict Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

On January 1, 2023 Jeremy Renner was badly injured in an accident and days later Bad Bunny threw a fan’s cell phone into the sea. Multiple scandals started the new year and portend that worse things are coming.

In February, tensions between countries grew more than ever. While it seems that the tension between North and South Korea is escalating, China and the United States are facing off over alleged spy balloons. Did Baba Vanga predict it all?

Who was Baba Vanga?

PHOTO: Twitter

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, better known as Baba Vanga, is sometimes called the «Nostradamus of the Balkans». The Bulgarian psychic, who passed away in 1996, was consulted by celebrities, and even the government, on multiple occasions.

She was blinded in a childhood accident but it seems that this left her with a very powerful inner vision and she made many predictions for the future, some of which have come true.

Did Baba Vanga predict the war in Ukraine?

PHOTO: Twitter

According to Baba Vanga, some countries could start experimenting with biological weapons. All this would happen in the middle of a great country’s war, which could cause thousands of deaths.

One of the main fears of this prophecy is that Russia, in the midst of its conflict with Ukraine, could make use of the Novichok nerve agent. Some say the increased tensions between North and South Korea could be related to this prophecy.

This prophecy has already come true

PHOTO: Twitter

Baba Vanga said the Earth would experience a change in orbit that would lead to a rise in sea levels, high temperatures and rising radiation levels. A few weeks ago it was reported that the Earth is rotating more slowly.

Chinese scientists, Yi Yang and Xiaodong Song, from Peking University’s Institute of Theoretical and Applied Geophysics published a study on the behavior of the Earth’s core. They discovered that the rotation of the Earth’s core has slowed down.

Is the end of the world near?

PHOTO: Twitter

According to Vanguardia, many fear that some of these prophecies may come true given the record of successes that Baba Vanga had throughout her life, and after her death. She left some predictions about the more distant future.

She predicted the attacks of September 11, 2001 as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Baba Vanga says in 2033 the ice at the poles will melt and humanity will end in 5079.