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After 30 years Raúl de Molina reveals the secret to his happy marriage

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  • Raúl de Molina spoke about his 30-year marriage.
  • The Cuban host revealed the secret to their happiness.
  • He credits his wife for their successful marriage.

In a recent interview, El Gordo y la Flaca host, Raúl de Molina, spoke about his marriage of almost 30 years and declared how he and his wife manage to keep moving forward despite the difficulties they face as a couple. He credits his wife with their success.

With a career that spans decades, Raúl de Molina has become a benchmark in show business, thanks to his charisma, talent and tireless dedication. For this reason, the Cuban presenter, affectionately known as «El Gordo», is an iconic figure in the world of Hispanic television.


PHOTO: Mezcalent

They have been married for almost thirty years! Raúl de Molina revealed the secret that continues to make his marriage one of the most stable in the entertainment industry. In a recent interview he stated that the fact that his wife Mily is not in show business is an asset.

«I think the good thing about all this is that I am married to a person who is not in show business, which is so difficult,» he told People en Español. He said this is one of the reasons they’ve lasted nearly 30 years.

Molina credits his wife with keeping their marriage happy

"we always get ahead"
Photo: Mezcalent

He stressed that many factors help keep his marriage solid and communication is important. He commented that his wife has a master’s degree in psychology, which may help.

«We have been together for more than 30 years and 29 married. I don’t know if it helps that she has a master’s degree in psychology… but although we have problems like all couples, we always move forward,»said Raúl de Molina.

Raúl de Molina’s daughter

Raúl de Molina wife: Did your daughter also join you?
Photo: Mezcalent

Raúl’s daughter Mía, has lived with them since she graduated so they can all travel regularly and spend quality time as a family. He pointed out how proud he is of his daughter.

“The fact that my daughter Mía graduated from American University in Washington DC with a degree in international business fills me with pride. Finally, she did it and it was difficult at many times, but it was worth it,» said Cuban told People.

An exemplary marriage

Raúl de Molina wife: An exemplary marriage?
Photo: Getty Images

Recently, the Cuban presenter shared an Instagram post congratulating his wife on her birthday and stressed that «she is his wife for almost thirty years». Internet users pointed out that they should give Mily a gift for «being with him» for so many years. Raúl was quick to snap back.

«You have to collect many copper keys to make a monument to your wife for putting up with it for so many years,» someone commented on the post, to which he responded: «And she to me?»

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