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Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle’s fatal plane crash

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  • Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle was killed in a plane crash.
  • He died four days after the season ended in 2006.
  • Video of the fiery crash was shown on television.

One of the most surprising deaths in the world of sports was that of Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle. In 2006, the player, also known as «Snacks» was killed in a fiery plane crash.

Shortly after, terrible images of the accident, where the small plane crashed into an Upper East Side apartment building, aired on the news. The Yankees player is affectionately remembered by his fans and family more than 16 years after his tragic death.


Photo: Twitter

On October 11, 2006, Cory Lidle was flying a small plane over the Upper East Side of Manhattan, when something caused him to crash into a 42-story building. At that time, they declared that Lidle was with his flight instructor and both were killed.

«A single-engine plane carrying the Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle smashed into a 42-story building on the Upper East Side yesterday, killing Mr. Lidle and his flight instructor,» The New York Times reported in 2006.

Was anyone else hurt?

Were there more injuries?Photo: Twitter

Around fourteen firefighters and four civilians were injured as a result of Cory Lidle’s fatal accident. One woman who lived in the apartment building was seriously injured.

Images show the remains of the plane after it crashed into the 42-story building, with some debris scattered on the ground. Several apartments were damaged and smoke billowed from the building.

Who was flying the airplane?

Crash footage Cory Lidle: Who was piloting the ship?
Photo: Twitter

The photos show the remains of the aircraft and bystanders trying to see what was happening. Authorities said it was unknown who was piloting the airplane.

Investigators had found Mr. Lidle’s flight book in the rubble. «Mr. Lidle had recorded over 80 hours in the air, more than half of them as pilot in command,» said Debbie Hersman, a spokeswoman for the National Transportation Safety Board, according to The New York Times.

A reminder of 9/11?

Cory Lidle accident images: Did they compare it to a terrorist act?
Photo: Twitter

The accident occurred in 2006, five years after the attack on the Twin Towers, and some people compared the accident with that incident. For this reason, residents were concerned something similar was happening.

The images captured by CNN show the apartment building engulfed in flames and the gray smoke that made visibility difficult for rescue workers. Likewise, they interviewed some witnesses, who pointed out that the plane seemed to have problems at the moment the incident occurred.

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