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Video of the day when Rosie Rivera fought with her husband in the street comes to light (VIDEO)

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  • Video of Rosie Rivera arguing loudly with her husband comes to light.
  • Followers recriminate the businesswoman.
  • They call Jenni Rivera’s sister a fake.

Video resurfaces in social networks where the American businesswoman, Rosie Rivera, also sister of the late Jenni Rivera, had a heated argument with her apparently husband Abel Flores in the middle of the parking lot, followers recriminate her, telling her that her attitude is not “very Christian” of her, and even calling her a «fake».

It was this July 21 when a video resurfaced on social networks in which Rosie Rivera, a member of the Rivera dynasty, «confronted» her husband outside a parking lot, in the clip it’s possible to observe how Rosie recriminated a man, who, according to user opinions, was her husband, due to a tire problem.

Heated fight between Rosie Rivera and her husband

Heated fight between Rosie Rivera and her husband
VIDEO: Instagram

According to the video posted by the Instagram account called @escandao_o, it is possible to observe the heated fight between Rosie Rivera and her husband, who was leaning on the car and the businesswoman in front of him, later it is possible to hear how Rosie begins to recriminate things in English, while her husband was only observing.

In the clip, which was initially shared by a Tik Tok account named @ reyy501, the following legend can be observed, where they recriminate Rosie for her behavior, since for them that was not in accordance with the religion that she professed: «Look how Rosie Rivera treats her second husband, not that very religious.»

Rosie Rivera recriminates her husband in the parking lot

Rosie Rivera recriminates her husband in the middle of the parking lot
VIDEO: Instagram

The fight between Rosie Rivera and her husband continued for several more seconds, where Jenni Rivera’s sister was observed quite annoyed, while pointing out the actions of the man, who supposedly many believe to be her husband. Although many argued that it was a recent video, the Instagram account clarified that this was not the case:

“This is the video that they have told me about and sent me !! Rosie fighting with her husband, but I am going to clarify that this video is not recent, it is from a few years ago, but here it is for those who tell me to publish it ”, you could read at the bottom of the video. This short clip generated endless postures and comments, where some users put themselves in place of the businesswoman, while others did not hesitate to criticize her.

Opinions divided between the fight between Rosie Rivera and her husband

Opinions divided between the fight between Rosie Rivera and her husband
PHOTO: Instagram

The video of the heated fight between Rosie Rivera and her husband generated endless comments on social networks, where some users came out to defend Jenni Rivera’s sister, while others blamed her that she was a «mustia», since she was always preaching love and respect, something that for them was not seen in the video: «Whoever saw her, where was Rosie’s blight haha».

“Years ago, she was also a Christian”, to which a follower openly called her a diabolical Christian when they said that Christians also argued like everyone else: “That’s true, but in this case we are talking about the diabolical Christian, the in front of the cameras everything is God my lord and behind save whoever can, the devilish Christian has already arrived ”.

«Christians also discuss» followers come out in defense of Rosie Rivera after fight with her husband

"Christians also argue" Followers come out in defense of Rosie Rivera after fight with her husband
PHOTO: Instagram

On the other hand, some followers came to the defense of Rosie Rivera after her fight with her husband, arguing that religion did not matter, that she was still human and could be upset: “Uhhhm, we all fought with our partner. She is human, this is so silly hahaha «,» Christian women can’t fight with their husbands either? «» Who cares about that? She is human, that she is Christian does not mean that she cannot defend herself ”.

“This video is stupid, we all have a tail to be stepped on, Christian or not. Stop walking judging that you are committing more sin by nosy and judging «,» Do not be ridiculous, not because they are religious they have no problems, they no longer have to take out just to talk about them «,» Christians are human too, they lie if they say there are no fights in marriages ”. YOU CAN SEE THE VIDEO OF THE FIGHT HERE

Rosie Rivera will venture into the world of soap operas

PHOTO: Instagram

Before this video of Rosie Rivera and her husband having a heated fight resurfaced, it was reported that Jenni Rivera’s sister could be about to venture into the world of soap operas, this was announced by the news portal People in spanish, where he claimed that Rosie had gone to a casting to be part of a soap opera.

Meanwhile, also on her Instagram account, the businesswoman informed her followers that she had recorded a casting to be part of the cast of a melodrama that will be recorded in the city of Miami Florida, arguing that it was the same manager of her new friend who told her he asked if he wanted to be part of the novel.

«I love art» says Rosie Rivera before the proposal to appear in a novel

VIDEO: Instagram

Through a video on Instagram, Rosie Rivera confessed the following: “I did an interview with a friend, well we are becoming friends, but she did a super interview with me, I admired her a lot and we asked ourselves many questions from the middle and her manager asked me if I wanted to be in a novel ”. Filed Under: Rosie Rivera Husband Fight

“The truth is, I love art and I admire it a lot and for me actors are to be admired (…) I don’t know where it will take me. I know that God will always use me to carry his message, but I am learning that there are different ways, ”Rosie Rivera commented on social media at the time. If she gets to stay with the character, Rosi would have to move with her family to Miami, something that does not seem to be a problem for her. YOU CAN SEE THE VIDEO HERE

Rosie Rivera appears in a bikini and humiliates her niece Chiquis?

PHOTO: Instagram

Who looks better? After her niece, Chiquis Rivera was harshly criticized for appearing in a bikini without a trace of “Photoshop” during her trip to the beaches of Cancun Mexico, her aunt Rosie Rivera, sister of the late Jenni Rivera, turns on social networks when she now appears from the sea and also in a bikini. Filed Under: Rosie Rivera Husband Fight

It was a few months ago when several photographs were leaked where Jenni Rivera’s daughter, Chiquis Rivera appeared in a bikini while walking on the beach, unleashing a wave of negative comments towards her, where users claimed that this was the Body Chiquis real and not so much the one he boasted on social networks.

So everything you promote is false?

PHOTO: Instagram

Some users harshly criticized everything that Chiquis, Rosie Rivera’s niece, promoted, since when her photos in a bikini were filtered and without filters, they noticed that her «remedies» to lose weight were a sham in their words: «It is clear that everything that he promotes so much does not work, from his Keto book, to supplements, let’s stop comparing crap that does not work ”. Filed Under: Rosie Rivera Husband Fight

«No, wow, definitely the filters help her but a lot, because obviously the Keto Book she sells doesn’t help her at all», «They threw the little theater out of her edited photos,» wrote another user. They were one of the many comments that could be read in the supposed photograph of Chiquis Rivera in a bikini while she was photographed on the beach.

Unlike Chiquis, Rosie Rivera «boasts» of compliments

PHOTO: Instagram

After Chiquis was harshly criticized on social networks by users for her photographs without a trace of retouching on them, her aunt Rosie Rivera now appears in a fitted blue bikini, but, unlike her niece, her sister Jenni Rivera boasted of pure positive comments, where users wrote how beautiful she looked. Filed Under: Rosie Rivera Husband Fight

Through her official Instagram account, the businesswoman also shared a series of photographs where she could be seen enjoying the sea waves with a big smile while wearing a white two-piece bikini with black diamonds, while in the background you could see the cloudy sky.

«I love to see you so happy»

PHOTO: Instagram

In these photographs, which already have more than 23 thousand likes, Rosie Rivera appeared with a big smile and in bikini, while at the bottom of the photograph, Jenni Rivera’s sister published the following message in both English and Spanish: «Joy is the serious matter of Heaven CS Lewis» denoting even more how happy she was. Filed Under: Rosie Rivera Husband Fight

And, unlike her niece Chiquis, Rosie Rivera only got pure positive comments, where her more than 1 million followers highlighted how beautiful and happy she looked in the photos: «I love to see you so happy», «See you happy is everything to me ”,“ So beautiful, enjoy your trip ” YOU CAN SEE THE PHOTOGRAPH HERE Some images of this note come from the following video

The post Video resurfaces of the day when Rosie Rivera fought with her husband shouting in the street (VIDEO) appeared first on Hispanic World.


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