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Maribel Guardia shows off her sexy body full of curves in a ‘mouse’ shirt (PHOTO)

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FOTO: Mezcalent
  • Maribel Guardia conquers her fans again
  • The Costa Rican singer and actress shows off her sexy ‘mouse’ on her body
  • «This is when I have to bite the lust that salivates on my tongue», confessed a follower of the artist

At 61 years of age, Maribel del Rocío Fernández García,

better known as Maribel Guardia, conquers her fans again, now by showing off her sexy ‘mouse’ on her body.

The Costa Rican singer and actress is one of the spoiled personalities of Hispanics, because in addition to her undoubted beauty, she is the owner of great charisma and sympathy.

And now, who poses with a Mickey Mouse pajamas, revealing a sexy ‘mouse’ on her body, Maribel Guardia drove her fans crazy.

Maribel Guardia shows off her sexy mouse on her body

PHOTO Instagram Maribel Guardia

With more than 170 thousand likes to date, among them of the actresses Marjorie de Sousa, Grettell Valdez and Lorena Herrera, the comedian Liliana Arriaga, better known as La Chupitos, as well as the singers Biby gaytan and Yuri, this post in their social networks says the following:

“Measuring these pajamas from @ ramirez.ale.1044 and I want to remind you that tomorrow we will see you in my program @maribelguardialive where we are going to have a great time. Sweet Dreams».

One of the first celebrities to react to this heart-stopping image in which Maribel Guardia shows off her sexy ‘mouse’ on her body was La Veneno Sandoval, ex-host of Suelta la sopa de Telemundo, who said: «Mía, I want those pajamas», to what the artist replied:

«I give it to you, doll, and I want one of your wigs.»

The interpreter of the song ‘How rich are the potatoes’ is one of the figures of the artistic medium who takes the time to respond to several fans, such as the person who asked her: “Until what age do these characters look good to us? «, Answering:» Until you stop dreaming and having illusions. »

The admirers who were not left with the desire to fill her with compliments and praise her statuesque body would still be missing …

«You always make it dream nice»

Admirers of the Costa Rican singer and actress Maribel Guardia, born on May 29, 1959, were left with a square eye after seeing this photo in which she shows off her sexy ‘mouse’ on her statuesque body.

«You always make it dream beautiful», «You are charming, intelligent, and to finish it, you are tremendously beautiful and envious body», «My precious, God take care of me a lot», «You look fabulous», «Maribel, you are a dream come true, I will dream of you ”, you can read in some comments.

More and more, the messages were increasing in tone, but nothing that would not make the artist angry: «You look incredible that pajamas because everything looks good», «I love your feet», «What a cute little mouse Minnie» , “How cute Mickey looks, you are a charming woman, it fascinates me. It is beautiful ”.

Maribel Guardia shows off her sexy mouse on her body

PHOTO Instagram Maribel Guardia

Someone else did not hesitate to share his most intimate desire with the artist: «You are my best fantasy, and although unattainable in reality, in my imagination you will always be my eternal girlfriend.»

“You are like the wines, better and richer and you don’t lose the beauty. I love your feet ”,“ Ufff, beautiful goddess, tremendous woman, what beautiful feet, beautiful ”,“ It looks like a doll, I fall in love every day, beautiful Maribel ”.

Finally, a fan was not left with the desire to express himself like this: «This is when I must bite the lust that salivates on my tongue not to say something that crosses the line of erotic admiration for the white curves of your silhouette» .

A few days ago, Maribel Guardia confirmed that she had not caught the coronavirus, and how did she celebrate it? Well, taking off your clothes. You can confirm it on the next page …

After positive by Andrea Legarreta, now Maribel Guardia takes off her clothes and celebrates that she does not have coronavirus (PHOTO)

Happy! The Costa Rican singer and actress Maribel Guardia takes off her clothes and in a swimsuit celebrates that she does not have coronavirus after Andrea Legarreta, host of the Hoy program, came out positive in the test and with whom she lived a few days ago.

Maribel Guardia looks radiant without clothes and in a bathing suit in the image she shared on her official Instagram account to celebrate that she does not have coronavirus.

So far, this photo has more than 220,000 likes, including a large number of celebrities, such as Mexican actresses and singers Mariana Seoane and Lorena Herrera, actors Marjorie de Sousa, Arturo Carmona, Alexis Ayala, Vanessa Guzmán and Erika Goodfil.

They also reacted to this image in which the Costa Rican singer and actress boasts her statuesque figure at 61 years of age, La Veneno Sandoval, former host of Suelta la sopa, the Peruvian host Laura Bozzo and Beatriz Adriana Solís, Buki’s daughter.

Maribel Guardia shows off her sexy mouse on her body

PHOTO Instagram Maribel Guardia

Without hiding her joy, Maribel wrote: “Very happy that I tested negative for Covid-19 (coronavirus). Thank God because 10 days ago I was with my dear @andrealegarreta in @programahoy and she was infected ”.

In this same message, the following can be read: “Anyway, we have to take good care of ourselves, now more than ever, yesterday we had 827 deaths in Mexico. Don’t let your guard down, I send you blessings in the distance ”.

In a 2020 in which artists of all ages have been infected with coronavirus, the fact that Maribel has not tested positive is excellent news for her fans, and what better way to celebrate it than by sharing a photo in which it is shown in all its glory.

Some images of this note come from the following video

The post Maribel Guardia shows off her sexy ‘mouse’ in her body full of curves (PHOTO) appeared first on Hispanic World.


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