Humanitarian Parole: Migrants Must Adjust Immigration Status
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Migrants with humanitarian parole must change their status or face deportation

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Humanitarian Parole: Migrants Must Adjust Immigration Status, Así es la seguridad en los aeropuertos de EEUU
Migrants with humanitarian parole (PHOTO Shutterstock)
  • Migrants Have 24 Months to Adjust Their Immigration Status.
  • Deportation After Parole Expires.
  • Financial Sponsor Required for Entry.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced changes to the immigration status of citizens from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Migrants entering the country with «humanitarian parole» will have 24 months to adjust their status to any available legal program.

If they fail to obtain asylum or other benefits, they will be required to leave the United States once their authorized period expires.

Otherwise, they will face deportation proceedings once their parole expires.

Extension of Humanitarian Parole and Program Requirements

Humanitarian parole, migrants, deportation, MundoNow
Humanitarian Parole: Migrants Must Adjust Immigration Status / Photo: HPD

The «humanitarian parole» lasts a maximum of two years, confirmed a DHS spokesperson.

This program was extended to Venezuelans in October 2022 by the Biden administration.

In 2023, citizens from Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua were also included.

To access «parole,» migrants must have a financial sponsor in the United States.

The sponsor must meet specific criteria and undergo biometric screenings to help the migrant adjust their immigration status.

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This permit does not grant permanent residency or provide a direct path to U.S. citizenship.

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