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Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals her profession after being fired from Primer Impacto (VIDEO)

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  • Bárbara Bermudo reveals what she has done after leaving Univisión.
  • The host created a new agency.
  • It has already been endorsed by the United States government.

Did she become a supplier to the federal government? The television host, Bárbara Bermudo, reveals what she has been doing since leaving the program Primer impacto, saying that she is now the owner of an advertising and marketing agency endorsed and certified by the government.

Barbara Bermudo was one of the most popular Univision hosts, however, all this changed suddenly when it was reported that they would no longer renew her contract and she had to leave the company and her job as a host of the Program Primer impacto, all this brought endless uncertainty and pain to both the presenter and her loyal fans.

Where was Barbara Bermudo?

Where was Barbara Bermudo?
PHOTO: Instagram

After this, the Puerto Rican journalist stayed away from the cameras and the media, where there was much speculation that the beloved presenter would never return to television. During all this time, many began to wonder what had happened to her, and what was she doing since she was fired from the chain of Univision.

Faced with these doubts, Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals what she has dedicated herself to after her departure, and through a video on social networks she is sincere with her followers and confesses that the beautiful journalist is still in the middle, but this time in a company she founded she with her husband, the also journalist Mario Andrés Moreno.

Bárbara Bermudo is sincere and finally reveals what she has dedicated herself to after leaving television

Bárbara Bermudo is sincere and finally reveals what she has dedicated herself to after leaving television
VIDEO: Instagram

It was through a video published on her official Instagram account where the beautiful 46-year-old driver, Bárbara Bermudo, finally reveals what she has dedicated herself to after being fired of Univision, an event that undoubtedly brought very bad times for the presenter.

«Today I want to share news that makes me more than happy, I could say that it is one of the most important achievements for me and my family,» he began in his video. «I could say that after a pause in front of the television cameras, many wondered what happened to Barbara.»

After months of intrigue, Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals what she has done after leaving television

After months of intrigue, Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals what she has done after leaving television
VIDEO: Instagram

After this, Bárbara Bermudo confesses that she was even one of the most searched people on the internet, where users wondered what had happened to her: “Even to my surprise, in 2017 I came out among the top 5 Google searches throughout the year , who asked, Where is Bárbara Bermudo? ”, he continued in his clip where he reveals what he has dedicated himself to after his departure from Univision.

«From that moment, I realized that there was a purpose, and I was not afraid to take on new challenges, on the contrary, I understood that new opportunities would come to my life,» he continued with his talk. «Where was it? Well, I was dedicating all my passion and effort to the undertaking that I had already started in 2015 with my husband Mario Andrés Moreno ”, the journalist confessed.

What did you do during your break? Bárbara Bermudo reveals what she has done after leaving television

What did you do during your break? Bárbara Bermudo reveals what she has done after leaving television
VIDEO: Instagram

After revealing this, Bárbara Bermudo confesses that she has dedicated herself to an advertising and marketing agency, which she created with the help of her husband: “I was prepared to face a new professional stage and redesign my limits, God had anticipated me. vision of creating BMBM Productions ”.

Later, the former host of Univision, Bárbara Bermudo reveals what this new company was about, to which she has dedicated herself after her departure from television: “It is an agency specialized in helping Hispanic companies to publicize their products through television, radio, written press, billboards, or digitally ”.

Her company has been certified by the government: Bárbara Bermudo reveals what she has done after leaving television

Her company has been certified by the government: Bárbara Bermudo reveals what she has done after leaving television
VIDEO: Instagram

Bárbara Bermudo mentioned during her video, where she reveals what she has dedicated herself to after leaving the cameras, and confessed that what started as something small, is now a larger company: “Well, we started with a small agency, but little little by little, like everything in life, we grew, counting on the best teacher, my husband«.

The journalist also revealed before her millions of followers that her company has already been endorsed by the United States government: “What has me celebrating is that now my company has been certified by the government under the National Business Council of Women, which helps for women-owned businesses to prosper to another level, ”she confessed, proudly displaying her plaque.

She became a government provider: Bárbara Bermudo reveals what she has done after leaving Univisión

She became a government provider: Bárbara Bermudo reveals what she has done after leaving Univisión
VIDEO: Instagram

«So I have become a supplier to the federal government,» she said happily at the news. «And what does that mean? That our ideas, my company, and our campaigns, can be seen in addition to the private sector, in the federal sector as well. I cannot be more than grateful to Dr. Rafael Marrero, who has been our mentor in this process ”.

“Together with his team, he helped me train and have a broader vision of the growth of my company, he helped me dream big, and he is helping me to conquer the federal market and do business with the richest and most powerful client in the world. which is, the government of the United States ”, Bárbara Bermudo confessed in her video, where she reveals what she has done after leaving Univision.

What advice would she give to women who run a business?

What advice would she give to women who run a business?
VIDEO: Instagram

To end her video, where the presenter reveals what she has dedicated herself to after leaving television, Bárbara Bermudo sent several advice to all those women who want to start a new project: “What advice would you give a woman if do you have a company? For you to explore the opportunities of hiring, because this can also be for you ”.

“Well, the most important thing is to prepare, investigate the possibilities, let yourself be guided, and not be afraid to start, because this can also be a great opportunity for you, so dreaming big costs nothing, and I say yes. it is possible ”, the Puerto Rican concluded in her video. YOU CAN SEE THE VIDEO HERE

In an interview for Telemundo, Bárbara Bermudo tells what she thought after leaving Univisión

VIDEO: Instagram

It was last March when Bárbara Bermudo gave an interview to the Telemundo network, where she confessed, for the first time, how she had felt after being fired from Univision, and now it appears in the program Red Hot counting everything that lived at that time.

«What everyone is waiting for, I sat face to face with Bárbara Bermudo and her husband Mario Andrés Moreno who for the first time spoke of the difficult moment they lived after catching the coronavirus, taking Mario to the hospital where he was on the verge of death» Rodner Figueroa began by saying. Filed Under: Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals what she has done since her departure from television

Bárbara Bermudo and the journalist Mario Andrés Moreno gave an interview to Al Rojo Vivo

VIDEO: Instagram

“They tell me about the bitter experience they lived and also this is the first time that Bárbara Bermudo has granted an interview after leaving television four years ago and bare her soul by confessing the dark moment she went through and why she left all his companions of job to those who at that time he pointed out as guilty of his misfortune, «said the driver of Al Rojo Vivo.

This was the first interview that Bárbara Bermudo gave to a media outlet since her departure from Primer Impacto in 2016, when the beautiful presenter was surprisingly notified that she would be leaving Univisión, considering said decision as a ‘betrayal’. Filed Under: Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals what she has done since her departure from television

She felt ‘betrayed’ by being fired from Univision

VIDEO: Instagram

The presenter of ‘Al Rojo Vivo’ Rodner Figueroa was able to take advantage of the moment to question the former Univision host about how she felt after announcing that the Telemundo competition company would no longer renew her contract to her surprise by said decision. Filed Under: Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals what she has done since her departure from television

«I was the one who made a very drastic decision or attitude, I was upset at that moment,» Bárbara Bermudo said at that time about her departure from Univision. «Like I saw everyone guilty,» said the presenter. Fortunately, things would improve little by little, since in addition to dedicating himself to his children, he also created his new agency, which has already been certified by the federal government. Some images of this note come from the following video

The post Government employee? Bárbara Bermudo finally reveals her profession since she was fired from Primer Impacto (VIDEO) appeared first on Hispanic World.


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