Lurid details of the place where the host Vivian Vásquez lost her life emerge

- Vivian Vasquez, 26, died in a tragic accident.
- Now, lurid details of the place where the Guatemalan host lost her life have emerged.
- Some people claim that the young woman’s voice can be heard.
Scary! After it became known that the Guatemalan host Vivian Vásquez had died in a tragic accident, now lurid details of the place where the 26-year-old girl lost her life have emerged. Some people claim that her voice can be heard.
Through Telemundo’s Suelta la Sopa official Instagram account, a post taken from La Lengua’s social networks has been shared, where the following can be read: «People hear a terrifying sound in the place where the corpse is.»
Vivian Vásquez had a tragic end

This incident occurred at kilometer 53 of the Chimaltenango highway, in Guatemala. The investigation was assigned to the District Attorney’s Office, where it was reported that, when a accident of this type in which the driver Vivian Vásquez lost her life, the causes of the event, what caused it and how it would have happened are being investigated.
So far, it is unknown if someone took the young woman off the road, so she would have lost control of her car, according to Juan Carlos Aquino, spokesman for Provial, but what does leave doubts is whose voice is that is heard in the video.
«What did you do to me?», Is heard in the video

Users of social networks reacted in different ways to the video showing the place where the driver Vivian Vásquez lost her life and where a voice is heard asking: «What did you do to me?» What is this all about?
«She is arguing with her partner and there she got distracted, please, if a relationship does not work, be quiet, leave each one by their side and do not wait for this», «A terrifying scream is heard, as if she does not think she sees herself dead ”,“ Well if he says ‘what did you do to me’, something strange was happening. God willing and it is not some living person who has damaged the car ”.
They wish Vivian Vásquez to rest in peace

For their part, followers of Suelta la sopa also wanted to express their points of view after seeing this publication that shows the place where Guatemalan driver Vivia Vásquez lost her life at 26 years of age.
“You hear ‘what did you do to me? Only she can clarify it ”,“ Peace to her soul ”,“ May she rest in peace ”,“ How strong she is, you can hear in the video ‘what did you do to me’ and then a squeal of tires ”.
They assure that it is the voice of the driver

Although several people strongly complained to the social networks of the Suelta la soup program that they have shared this video, other Internet users shared different theories: “The voice that is heard is hers made a loved one who has already died and claims what he did to her. ”.
«It cannot be edited because everywhere the video comes out it says the same thing: ‘What did you do to me?» Vásquez (TO WATCH THE VIDEO CLICK HERE).
After the death of Vivian Vásquez, they denounce the terrible act against the driver

The sister of the deceased Vivian Vásquez stated that after the tragic accident in which the 26-year-old girl lost her life, a terrible act had occurred against the driver. The young woman died instantly, and without her colleagues realizing it, they talked about the accident on the news without noticing that the person who had died was her news partner.
«I’m going to ask this afternoon to help me, to share this video, why, I don’t know, I honestly don’t know what people think, right,» said Katerin Vásquez in a live broadcast that she shared on her social networks. There would still be more.
Vivian Vasquez’s phone was stolen

The young woman informed the public who followed her sister on the news that someone had committed a terrible act against the young woman, when she needed help the most. According to Katerin’s words, her sister’s cell phone and other belongings that came in the vehicle were stolen when she was injured as a result of the accident.
“I need you to help me because I need to get Vivi’s phone back. As you know, there are so many memories on that phone and I don’t know who the person is who stole her phone, they also stole other things instead of helping her, ”said Vivian Vásquez’s sister.
«Be aware,» says Vivian Vásquez’s sister

Katerin asked people who were watching the broadcast to help her share the video, as it was the only way to ask the person who took Vivian’s phone to return it. Katerin argued that the only thing she wanted from her sister was her cell phone, because of the photos and videos that were in it.
“So this afternoon, I want you to help me share this video. And please if someone has that phone, be aware and have a bit of humanity, we need to recover all the photos and videos that we have on that phone ”.
«They are helping us locate him,» says Katerin about the cell phone that was stolen from her sister Vivian Vásquez

Katerin also informed users that there were already people looking for the cell phone through an application, but it was worth asking for cooperation through social networks to be able to find her sister’s cell phone, which they extracted when she was dead and instead of help her, they decided to assault her.
«Well, people are already helping us to locate that phone, but it doesn’t hurt by this means, right, to ask you for help,» said Katerin without holding back the tears that caused her to know that the only means she had to remember her deceased sister was lost.
Ask for the phone to be returned

During the live, the young woman asked to please help her locate the person who has Vivian’s phone number, which is the only thing that interests her and her family, therefore, it is the only thing they want to obtain from the person who stole the cell phone. The other belongings do not matter to him, only to obtain that precious object.
«Help us locate that person who has that phone and please return it to us, we need to get that phone back,» said the young woman again in the transmission she was doing through social networks, where she denounced the terrible act of which his deceased sister had been the victim.
«Through those memories we are going to see her»

The young woman was crying as she told Internet users that the last memories of her sister were found on that cell phone, the photographs, videos, messages, everything that the young woman did and that it would be the only thing she would keep from Vivian Vásquez. Katerin mentioned that it’s how her family might remember the news anchor.
“We need to recover so many memories that in the end they are the only ones we have of my sister. Only through those memories will we be able to see her, we will be able to see that smile that she had, ”said Katerin, asking her followers to help her get Vivian’s phone number back.
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