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10 Reasons Why Being a Tech Geek is Awesome

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We all know a geek. In days gone by they ran the audio-visual equipment at school or set up the announcer’s booth at the football game. These days, however, being a geek means you hold the whole world in your hand. Geeks have become indispensable. It’s the tech geeks who not only set up but also invented our laptops; the geeks who debug the programs; and the geeks who come up with the next gadget du jour. Let’s face it, we are truly living in the era of geekdom, where geek stuff, geek wear and geek speak rule.

Far from the dorky creatures they once were, geeks are also the most in demand employees. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook said, “I want to tell any young girl out there who’s a geek, I was a really serious geek in high school. It works out. Study harder.” So geeks of the world, take heart and check out these 10 reasons that being a geek puts you way ahead of the rest of us.

1. Tech geeks are in demand

A worker analyzing computer diagram

Computer skills are a must in the workforce. And the more you know about technology the more you’re in demand. And with technical knowledge you’re able to get your own work done more quickly and efficiently.

2. Geeks are master problem solvers

Video game mastery, which is usually part of the geek gear model, helps to develop problem solving skills. And once you’ve mastered playing the video games, you can start designing them for the next generation.

3. Tech geeks make more money

A woman using a computer

Tech geeks speak the language of computers. Since computers pretty much rule the world, knowing what makes them tick makes you a hot commodity in the workforce.

4. Geek stuff is always cutting edge

Tech geeks know when to splurge on a desktop 3D printer or wait for the wallet-size model they know will be out in six months.

5. Geeks change the world

Person using a computer program

Think of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg. These guys changed the way everyone works, plays, shops, interacts…pretty much every aspect of our lives. The tech geeks of the world see the future and make it happen.

6. Geeks are visionaries

Geeks see what is and conceptualize what will be. Computers had been around for years but Steve Jobs had the vision to make them portable and transformed the way we work and transmit information.

7. Geeks see endless possibilities


Geeks see problems as puzzles to solve or gateways to the next innovation.

8. Geeks can make it work

When your computer crashes it’s basically the end of life as you know it. Thank goodness the IT team at work and the guys at the Apple Genius Bar can almost always revive it—and you.

9. Geeks are passionate


They can talk tech or lose themselves in gaming for hours. Hence the phrase geek out.

10. Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power and tech geeks have it in spades. At the end of the day, do you want to spend your life with the guy with the biggest, well you know, or the biggest brain?

The post 10 reasons being a tech geek is cool appeared first on Mundo Hispanico.

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