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Trump reinstalls a «Coca-Cola button» in the Oval Office

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Trump lanza un polémico mensaje de Thanksgiving, aranceles, Trump Restores Coca-Cola Button
Trump Restores Coca-Cola Button - Photo: ShutterStock.
  • Trump Restores Coca-Cola Button.
  • Oval Office Displays New Portraits.
  • Reinstalls Military Flags.

President Donald Trump returned to the White House this Monday, and, as in his first term, has redecorated the Oval Office to his liking.

Among the most striking details is the return of the button on his desk, used to order Diet Coke, which had disappeared during the Joe Biden administration.

This famous button, which went viral in the past, is now visible in the newly released images of the presidential office.

Trump, known for his preference for Diet Coke, used to use it to surprise his guests with the service of a butler.

Changes in the Oval Office Reflect Trump’s Personal Style

Trump Restores Coca-Cola Button, Coca-Cola, White House, MundoNow
Trump Restores Coca-Cola Button at the White House / Photo: AP

The Oval Office decor also includes a portrait of George Washington, flanked by Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

The bust of Martin Luther King Jr. remains in place, while silver eagle figures adorn the fireplace.

Trump has reintroduced the bust of Winston Churchill to the White House as well, removed by Biden in 2021, in a nod to his admiration for the former British leader.

The neutral-toned carpet used in his first term has replaced the intense blue chosen by Biden.

Trump also reinstalled the military flags that had been removed by his predecessor.

The portrait of Benjamin Franklin, installed by Biden to highlight science, has been retained in this new phase of the administration.

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Each president leaves their mark on the decor of the White House, and Trump has been no exception with this fresh start.

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Trump Restores Coca-Cola Button at the White House / Photo: MundoNOW.

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