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IRS refunds of up to $7,830 announced for 2025

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Reembolsos del IRS 2025, Cheques, Pagos, Impuestos, EEUU, IRS Refunds 2025, Checks, Payments, Taxes, Stimulus Payments for 2025
IRS 2025 Refunds Worth $7,830/Photo: Shutterstock
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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced that taxpayers will be eligible to receive refunds.

These refunds could amount to as much as $7,830 during the 2025 tax season for the 2024 fiscal year.

This amount is linked to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), a benefit for workers with low or moderate incomes.

The EITC is a federal program designed to reduce the tax burden on workers and provide significant refunds to those who meet certain criteria.

IRS Checks Coming Soon

IRS Refunds 2025, Taxes, United States, Economy, Workers
IRS Refunds for 2025 Worth $7,830 Photo: Shutterstock

This credit can be used to reduce owed taxes or, in some cases, increase the total refund.

Depending on their family situation and income, taxpayers could claim between $632 and $7,830.

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The exact amount depends on the number of qualifying children and the applicant’s adjusted gross income.

To be eligible for this credit in 2025, taxpayers must meet certain criteria set by the IRS.

Applicants for the IRS 2025 refund must have worked and earned less than $59,899 if filing individually.

Or less than $66,819 if filing jointly with a spouse, according to Diario AS.

Additionally, they must have a valid Social Security number by the tax filing deadline.

They must also have investment income below $11,600 for the 2023 fiscal year.

Being a U.S. citizen or permanent resident throughout the entire fiscal year is another requirement for eligibility.

They must not have filed Form 2555, which reports foreign income.

Additional requirements apply if the taxpayer is separated from their spouse and does not file jointly.

The IRS also offers online tools for taxpayers to determine if they qualify for this 2025 refund.

The maximum amount a taxpayer can claim depends on the number of qualifying children:

No qualifying children will receive $632; With one qualifying child, they will receive $4,213; With two qualifying children, they will receive $6,960.

Similarly, those with three or more qualifying children can receive the full $7,830.

As a refundable credit, taxpayers can receive this benefit even if they owe no taxes.

Although the IRS has not confirmed the exact start date for the tax season, it is expected to begin in late January 2025.

EITC refunds are typically issued by the end of February, which allows taxpayers to plan their finances, according to Diario AS.

Taxpayers interested in this benefit should carefully review the requirements and ensure they file their return with accurate information.

If in doubt, it is recommended to seek advice from a certified tax preparer or use the digital tools provided by the IRS.

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