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Rebelde on Netflix: 10 reasons we love the Rebelde reboot

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Have you seen Rebelde on Netflix? Here’s why you should! On January 5, one of the most anticipated series premiered on Netflix. With the arrival of Rebelde onto small screens, one of the most loved series has been brought to life again. Although Rebelde has had many versions around the world, the Mexican and Argentine versions are still incredibly popular. And now we have Rebelde on Netflix, where emerging stars from different countries come together. Do you want to know more about this series? Here are 10 reasons you can’t miss it!

Reminds us of the original RBDs

Undoubtedly, Rebelde is nostalgic. Especially for millennials who grew up with the original versions, like Rebel Way and Rebel in Argentina and Mexico, respectively. Almost twenty years have passed since characters like Mía, Miguel, Roberta and Diego hit tv screens around the world and it is time to meet the new generations who will carry on their legacy.

Rebelde on Netflix: A new style


The fashion of the original Rebelde from 2004 is a far cry from the style with which the young stars of today’s series, in terms of fashion, music and the issues on the show. Although many of the central themes are similar, in the new version of Rebelde you can see the different ways in which the characters face their problems and manage to stand out on their own merits, despite the challenges.

New stars

Rebelde, in its 2022 version, is a hotbed for new talent. We can even see stars who began their careers at a very young age, such as Azul Guaita, who debuted in the Mexican soap opera Clase 406, along with some members of the original cast of the series. In addition to Guaita, we can see stars on the rise, such as Sergio Mayer Mori, Andrea Chaparro and the Argentine actor Franco Masini, who have managed to attract millions of followers in a very short time.

Rebelde’s music

Woman with a headband to play music

Music is an essential part of Rebelde on Netflix and that is why the cast chosen for this reboot stands out for their acting and their music skills. In Rebelde, we can find covers of songs like Sálvame, Just stay silent and Rebelde, as well as songs like Me rehúso by Danny Ocean and Si una vez, by Selena.

Rebelde on Netflix is inclusive

From the language to the topics addressed, Rebelde is a youth series that calls for inclusion and diversity to shed light on the realities of the different social strata and, especially, of the LGBT+ community. Characters like Jana, Emilia, Andi, Esteban and Dixon offer a new perspective on the bisexual and trans community — topics that were once seen as taboo.

The original cast of Rebelde


If you feel nostalgic, it may not be such a bad idea to watch the new Rebelde on Netflix, since you can see characters from yesteryear like Celina, who now works as the director of the Elite Way School. To the surprise of many, Karla Cosío, who played Pilar Gandía in the original version, returns to acting as the mother of Jana Cohen, one of the most prominent characters in the series.

Cultural diversity

The cast of Rebelde not only includes actors and actresses from Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, it also demonstrates the effort of the production to present characters attached to reality that reflect different struggles. One of them is the actress of Brazilian origin Giovanna Grigio, who in real life identifies as bisexual and is a well-known activist for inclusion and diversity, which she demonstrates by attending demonstrations and sharing posts on social media.

The fashion!


How much has fashion changed in (almost) twenty years? Get ready to find out on the new version of Rebelde! At the beginning of the series, the characters pay a small homage to the original characters, showing the old uniforms and some items used by the former students of the Elite Way School in 2004. Twenty twenty-two paints something different, and that is why the stars of this reboot have their own style where striking colors and textures stand out to create the iconic personalities of the characters.

Representation of Gen Z

Most of the actors and actresses who participate in Rebelde are part of Generation Z. Today’s youth who  stands up for freedom of speech, without fearing what others think. With its own style, Generation Z also stands up for the rights of marginalized people and distances itself from the judgments and stereotypes that often characterize previous generations.

La logia


In 2022, Rebelde on Netflix returns to one of the mysteries that surrounded the original plot, both in its Argentine and Mexican versions: La logia, a secret society that pulled the strings of the Elite Way School. One of the differences with other remakes is that, at least in the 2022 version of Rebelde, the lodge is no longer presented as such a dark society, although the protagonists take on the task of discovering who is behind it.

The post Rebel on Netflix: 10 reasons why we love this new version of Rebel appeared first on Mundo Hispanico.

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