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Joe Ramon Janas falleció en un extraño accidente en Thanksgiving, Joe Ramon Janas dies in a strange accident on Thanksgiving

Joe Ramon Janas died in a strange accident on Thanksgiving

Joe Ramon Janas Dies in Tragic Thanksgiving Accident Incident Occurs in Houston Details Here The community mourns the loss of Joe Ramon Janas, affectionately known as "Raymond,"…
Conductor ebrio mintió sobre un accidente mortal, Drunk driver lied about fatal accident

Drunk driver lied about fatal accident

Drunk Driver Lied About Fatal Accident This Happened in New York Details Below An Ecuadorian man lied to detectives, claiming he was not driving during a crash…
Erika Diarte-Carr Passes Away, but Secures Trust Fund

Erika Diarte-Carr dies of cancer after raising $1 million for her children

Erika Diarte-Carr Passes Away, but Secures Trust Fund Massive Support on Social Media Family's Deep Gratitude A 33-year-old mother who raised $1 million for her children passes…
Buscan al sospechoso de asesinar a Steven García Las autoridades de Santa Ana continúan la búsqueda de un sospechoso tras un tiroteo que dejó a dos personas heridas, una de ellas fallecida. El incidente ocurrió el pasado 23 de septiembre en la cuadra 400 de West Camile Street, alrededor de las 3:31 p.m. Las víctimas fueron identificadas como Steven García Guevara, de 20 años, y un adolescente de 15 años. Ambos fueron trasladados al hospital, donde, a pesar de los esfuerzos médicos, García falleció debido a las heridas por arma de fuego, mientras que el menor se encuentra en condición estable y se espera que sobreviva. La policía sigue investigando las circunstancias que rodearon el tiroteo y está en busca de testigos que puedan proporcionar más información sobre el homicidio. Las personas con información pueden comunicarse con los detectives de la Sección de Homicidios del Departamento de Policía de Santa Ana al 714-245-8390, o enviar pistas anónimas a OC Crime Stoppers llamando al 1-855-847-6227 o en línea en occrimestoppers.org. Este trágico suceso ha conmocionado a la comunidad, que ahora se une para apoyar a la familia de Steven en estos momentos difíciles.

Search for suspect of murdering Steven García continues

Search for Suspect in Steven García’s Murder Continues Family Creates GoFundMe for Support Here Are the Details Authorities in Santa Ana, Orange County, California, are continuing their…
Familia colombiana lucha por repatriar a hija asesinada en Chicago, Colombian family fights to repatriate daughter murdered in Chicago

Colombian family fights to repatriate daughter murdered in Chicago

A Colombian family fights to repatriate their daughter murdered in Chicago. A tragic story for a Hispanic family. Here are the details. The dream of a better…
Brutalidad policial deja a familia peruana en crisis, Police brutality leaves Peruvian family in crisis

Police brutality leaves Peruvian family in crisis

Police brutality leaves Peruvian family in crisis. A terrible tragedy. Here are the details. A Peruvian family residing in Florida has been plunged into a deep crisis…
Miriam Rivera perdió la vida y la comunidad se une para despedirla, Miriam Rivera lost her life and the community comes together to say goodbye to her

Miriam Rivera lost her life and the community comes together to say goodbye

Miriam Rivera lost her life. The community comes together to say goodbye. Here are the details. The community has rallied around the family of Miriam Elizabeth Rivera,…

GoFundMe account opened for children killed at birthday party in Michigan

Lana and Zayn Phillips were killed in Michigan. A GoFundMe has been set up to cover their funeral expenses. Nine other people were injured in the accident.…