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Lavarse-las-manos-por-coronavirus, Norovirus Reaches Record Levels

Norovirus sees its largest resurgence in over a decade

Norovirus Hits Record Highs New Variant Fuels Surge in Cases Winter Season Sees More Frequent Outbreaks The norovirus, nicknamed the "Ferrari of viruses" for its rapid spread,…
hisopo nasal, virus, infección ocular, Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EEUU, MundoNOW, Young Man Dies from Influenza Complications

California teen dies from flu complications and his family asks for help

Young Man Dies from Influenza Complications Solano Family Seeks Support for Funeral Expenses Influenza Remains a Threat The Solano family is facing an unexpected tragedy with the…
muerte H5N1, influenza aviar Luisiana, primer caso H5N1 EE.UU., riesgos gripe aviar, prevención H5N1, salud pública, medidas gripe aviar, Departamento de Salud, H5N1 death avian influenza in Louisiana, first case H5N1 US, avian flu risks, H5N1 prevention, public health, avian flu measures, Department of Health, MundoNOW,,

First human death from H5N1 in the US reported in Louisiana

Confirmed Death from H5N1 in Louisiana Who Is at Greater Risk of Infection? Why is the General Public Risk Still Low? The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH)…
China, neumonía desconocida, HMPV, virus respiratorios, MundoNOW, invierno, metapneumovirus humano, infecciones respiratorias, niños menores, MundoNOW

China announces a health crisis due to respiratory viruses

What is Human Metapneumovirus? Respiratory Infections Increase in Winter. New System to Control Unknown Pathogens. China is implementing a monitoring system to identify pneumonias of unknown origin,…
Thalí García cáncer, salud Thalí García, melanoma etapa temprana, cirugía dermatológica, MundoNOW

Thalí García reveals that she suffered from skin cancer

How Thalí García Detected Her Cancer The Quick Action That Prevented a Fatal Outcome Life Lessons After Overcoming the Diagnosis Mexican actress Thalí García recently shared how…
Temporada de gripe en EE.UU., casos de gripe en aumento, baja vacunación contra la gripe, reuniones navideñas y gripe, Flu Cases Rising Alarmingly in the US

The number of flu cases increases in the US

Flu Cases Rising Alarmingly in the US Low Vaccination Rates Worry Experts Could Holiday Gatherings Worsen the Situation? Flu season is underway in the United States, with…
gripe aviar en EEUU, paciente, hospital, primer caso, First Severe Case of H5N1 Bird Flu, patient, hospital, first case, MundoNOW

A person from Louisiana becomes the first severe case of bird flu in the US

First Severe Case of H5N1 Bird Flu Patient Exposed to Infected Birds CDC: Public Risk Remains Low A Louisiana resident who required hospitalization has become the first…
California gripe aviar, California, Gavi Newson, alerta, MundoNOW

State of emergency declared in California due to bird flu

What is H5N1 bird flu? How is this outbreak affecting California? Is there a risk for humans? California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency due…
Dulce, enfermedad, salud, celebridades, entretenimiento, Is Singer Dulce Confirmed to Have Cancer?

Mexican singer Dulce’s current state of health is revealed (VIDEO)

Is Singer Dulce Confirmed to Have Cancer? She is currently hospitalized Update on Her Health Status In recent weeks, rumors have intensified that Mexican singer Dulce is…
leche gripe aviar, EEUU, Departamento de Agricultura, USDA, MundoNOW, milk, bird flu, USA, Department of Agriculture, USDA Demands Raw Milk Testing for H5N1 Avian Flu

Milk samples from all over the US ordered to be analyzed to detect bird flu

USDA Demands Raw Milk Testing Over Avian Flu Cases H5N1 Avian Flu Detected in California 718 Dairy Farms Affected Across the U.S. The United States Department of…
E. Coli Infections on the Rise

Cases of E. Coli infection increase to 104 after eating at McDonald’s

E. Coli Infections on the Rise Around 34 People Hospitalized Which State Was the Most Affected? An outbreak of food poisoning caused by the Escherichia coli (E.…
Paula Cisneros, Yolopuedotodo, cáncer, influencer fallece, Sara Cisneros, MundoNOW, Mercedes Fashion Week, resiliencia.

Baywatch actor Michael Newman dies at 68 (PHOTO)

Michael Newman Passes Away at 68 Actor in Baywatch Fought Parkinson’s Disease Since 2006 Hollywood actor Michael Newman has died at the age of 68. Newman was…
animales, riesgo, paciente, recuperación, MundoNOW, tratamiento, virus, brote, ganado, MundoNOW, gripe aviar, EEUU

Bird flu cases increase in the US and cause alert

They launch an alert due to an increase in cases of bird flu Many workers were exposed and are catching the virus Is it spreading fast? Bird…
Gripe aviar, EEUU, Florida, enfermedades, MundoNOW, Bird Flu Cases Reported in California

6 cases of bird flu reported in California

Bird Flu Cases Reported in California Approximately Six Cases Under Surveillance What Measures Were Considered? Six people have contracted bird flu in California amid a concerning outbreak…
Gripe aviar, EEUU, Florida, enfermedades, MundoNOW, Bird Flu Cases Reported in California

First human infection with bird flu in the US without animal contact

First Human Case of Bird Flu Detected in Missouri Without Animal Exposure General risk of contagion remains low, according to the CDC The patient has recovered after…
Legionnaires' Disease Deaths, legionella, New York,, health, pneumonia, bacteria, ,enfermedad del legionario, brote, legionela, New York, MundoNOW, salud, pneumonia, bacteria, fallecidos, MundoNOW,

Three dead in New York Legionnaires’ disease outbreak

Legionnaires' Disease: The Disease That Caused These Deaths Deadly Outbreak at Assisted Living Facility Authorities Working to Contain the Outbreak Three people have died after testing positive…
Listeria, brote, CDC, mortal, hospitalizaciones, MundoNOW

Nine dead linked to listeria outbreak in Boar’s Head meat products

Six more deaths from listeria. Outbreak linked to Boar's Head. CDC warns of food risk. Six more people have died in a listeria outbreak linked to Boar's…
Oropouche Fever, West Nile Virus Alert, Massachusetts, spraying, health alert, mosquitoes, EEE, public health, virus del Nilo Occidental, Massachusetts, fumigación, alerta sanitaria, mosquitos, EEE, salud pública., MundoNOW

21 cases of Oropouche fever identified in the US

U.S. Reports 21 Cases of Oropouche Fever Transmission by Insect Bite No Treatment or Vaccine Available U.S. health authorities confirmed on Tuesday 21 cases of Oropouche fever…
WHO Launches New Plan MPOX, monkeypox, mpox, outbreak, OMS, viruela símica, mpox, brote, MundoNOW

World Health Organization gives unexpected news of mpox

WHO Launches New Plan Millions of Dollars Needed to Stop Outbreaks What Are the Priorities? The World Health Organization (WHO) has surprised the world with the announcement…
Oropouche Fever, West Nile Virus Alert, Massachusetts, spraying, health alert, mosquitoes, EEE, public health, virus del Nilo Occidental, Massachusetts, fumigación, alerta sanitaria, mosquitos, EEE, salud pública., MundoNOW

US authorities raise alert level for West Nile virus

West Nile Virus Alert Issued. Aerial and Ground Spraying to be Conducted. Necessary Precautions to Avoid Exposure. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has issued a major…
Mpox emergency, monkeypox, Africa, emergency,, Mpox, viruela del mono, África, emergencia, MundoNOW

Global emergency declared due to mpox virus

Mpox emergency declared WHO reports increase in cases What does this virus cause? The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global health emergency due to outbreaks…
Manejo de la esclerosis múltiple, trastornos nerviosos, mielina dañada, EM-Managing multiple sclerosis, nerve disorder, damaged myelin, MS

The impact of lifestyle choices on managing multiple sclerosis

Managing multiple sclerosis. Lifestyle changes can make a difference. Learn about living with this chronic illness. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects the nervous system,…
Efectos a largo plazo de la enfermedad de Lyme, senderismo, garrapatas, bosque-Lyme disease long-term effects, hiking, ticks, forest

Living with Lyme: A deep dive into the chronic effects of Lyme disease

Lyme disease long-term effects. Chronic Lyme disease is a growing problem. Learn about this debilitating condition. Lyme disease is more than just an ordinary tick bite. For…

5 common summer illnesses and tips to avoid them

About 27% of ER visits occur during the winter months.  Stomach bugs and flu are two of the most common ailments.  Discover the 5 most common summer…
tratamiento de infecciones de oído, tinnitus, enfermo, mujer, dolor- treating ear infections, Tinnitus, sick, woman, pain

Home remedies: Tackling ear infection symptoms

Treating ear infections at home. These remedies work! Ease ear ache symptoms naturally. Ear infections are a common and uncomfortable experience, causing symptoms like pain, pressure and…
Plague Alert in Colorado, europe, plague, black death, history- portada, europa, peste, peste negra, historia

Colorado Plague Alert: Confirmed Case in Pueblo County

Plague Alert in Colorado: Confirmed Case in Pueblo County Key tips to prevent the spread of plague in residential areas. Learn how to protect your family and…
Joe Biden Parkinson, presidente, Casa Blanca, EEUU, MundoNOW

Biden’s doctor insists the president has not been treated for Parkinson’s

Biden does not have Parkinson's. Visiting neurologist since 2012. Biden's health under scrutiny. White House physician Kevin O'Connor insisted Monday that President Joe Biden has not been…
Walmart caldo de pollo, recall, producto, MundoNOW

Contaminated Chia seeds recalled at Walmart

Chia Seeds Recalled Risk of Death from Poisining Walmart Sells Affected Products The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reclassified a recall of chia seeds sold at…
Two sisters in intensive care, California, Fresno, USA, News - Dos hermanas en terapia intensiva, California, Fresno, EEUU, Noticia

Two sisters from California end up in intensive care after eating canned cactus

Two Sisters in Intensive Care Canned Nopales, Possible Cause Ten People Affected by Botulism In a tragic family gathering near the Fresno region in California, a nightmare…
mental health, mental disorders, symptoms, woman looking out window, thinking

The 5 most common mental disorders and their symptoms

Learn about the most common mental disorders. In the U.S., 5% of the population suffers from some type of mental disorder Get to know the symptoms. Do…
Dengue alert, disease, Florida, alert, health- dengue, enfermedad, Florida, alerta, sanitaria

Health alert! Dengue warning issued in the Florida Keys

Health Alert Issued for Dengue. Florida Keys Affected. Will the Disease Spread? A health alert has been issued in the Florida Keys following confirmed cases of dengue.…
Edgar Oceransky, virus, redes sociales, MundoNOW

Mexican singer Edgar Oceransky almost died from a tattoo

Singer Edgar Oceransky Faced Serious Illness Contracted a Dangerous Virus from a Tattoo In an Interview, He Confessed the Trauma He Experienced In a recent interview with…
US Assures No Risk from Avian Flu, gripe aviar, EEUU, contagios, riesgos, MundoNOW

The US announced that there is no risk of avian flu

US Assures No Risk from Avian Flu Concerns Rise Amid Infections Affected States Revealed US health authorities have stated that there is currently no risk of a…
¿Qué es Epstein-Barr?, EBV, virus, infección, enfermedad- What is Epstein-Barr, EBV, virus, infection, illness

Epstein-Barr virus: Understanding its role in chronic illnesses

What is Epstein-Barr? Learn how it can cause chronic illness. It's best known for causing mono. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a widespread virus that is one…
Salmonella outbreak in Pennsylvania, Health, Recall, USA, Alert- Brote de salmonela en Pensilvania, Salud, Recall, EEUU, Alerta

Alert! Sick people are reported in Pennsylvania due to salmonella outbreak

Salmonella Outbreak Reported in Pennsylvania Cucumbers Recalled Due to Bacterial Contamination Authorities Issue Warning A salmonella outbreak has raised concerns in several U.S. states, particularly in Pennsylvania,…
Gripe aviar, EEUU, Florida, enfermedades, MundoNOW, Bird Flu Cases Reported in California

WHO reports first death after human infection from avian influenza virus

First Death from Avian Influenza A(H5N2) Virus in Mexico Low Risk to the Population The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported the first fatal case of human…
Síntomas y prevención del norovirus , enfermedad, salud- Norovirus, symptoms, disease, health, MundoNOW

Understanding norovirus: Symptoms, transmission and prevention

Understanding norovirus symptoms. It's also known as the stomach flu. The virus is highly contagious. Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, an inflammation of…
Avian Influenza in Michigan, USA, United States, dairy worker- gripe aviar en Michigan, EEUU, Estados Unidos, trabajador de lechería, MundoNOW

Third human case of bird flu detected in Michigan dairy worker

Second Human Case of Avian Influenza in Michigan. H5N1 Virus in Cows. CDC: Not Easily Transmitted. U.S. health authorities reported this Thursday that the second human case…

CDC investigates worrying Salmonella outbreak connected to backyard chickens

CDC investigates Salmonella outbreak. It is connected to backyard chickens. So far 29 states are affected. SALMONELLA OUTBREAK! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is…
Michigan bat, Health authorities, rabies- murciélago Michigan, Autoridades sanitarias, rabia, Washtenaw, MundoNOW

Bat infected with rabies found in Michigan

Rabid bat found in Michigan. The dangers of this disease. How common is it? Health authorities in a small county in Michigan have discovered a rabies-infected bat.…

Rashel Diaz reveals heartbreaking diagnosis that keeps her praying

Rashel Díaz shares a delicate moment. Followers and colleagues offer support. Highlights importance of faith and prayer. Rashel Díaz stays connected with her fans through social media,…
human infection influenza virus , emergency, risk, contagion, transmission,- emergencia, riesgo, contagio, transmisión, MundoNOW

First human case of avian flu reported in Texas

The first human case of avian flu was reported in Texas. The person had contact with dairy cattle. What do authorities say? On April 1, 2024, the…
illness, incurable, risk of death- Pepe Magaña actor, enfermedad, incurable, riesgo de muerte, MundoNOW

What incurable disease does Pepe Magaña have?

Actor Pepe Magaña is battling an incurable illness. A look at his long career. Revelations about the actor's personal life. Actor Pepe Magaña is best known for…
Guillain Barré chicken, syndrome, washing chicken, health,- Guillain Barré pollo, síndrome, lavar pollo, salud, MundoNOW

Should you wash raw chicken to prevent Guillain-Barré syndrome?

What is the link between chicken and Guillain-Barré syndrome? Experts say not to wash raw chicken. It's important to cook poultry thoroughly. There is a belief that…
illness, statement,- Kate Middleton cáncer, enfermedad, comunicado, video, MundoNOW

What we know about Kate Middleton’s cancer

What we know about Kate Middleton's cancer. She underwent abdominal surgery on January 16. She is currently undergoing preventative chemotherapy. Kate Middletion revealed in a video that…
Sherri Moody had, Bed, Woman, MundoNow, News

Sherri Moody went to the hospital with strep and ended up having all her limbs amputated

Texas teacher Sherri Moody loses her limbs. She thought she has a simple strep infection. Her life has completely changed. Texas high school teacher Sherri Moody, 51,…
Medio Metro needed emergency, Problem, Influencer, MundoNow, News

They report that Medio Metro was bitten by a rabid dog

Medio Metro needed emergency attention They report what happened to the dog Social media users criticize Medio Metro José Eduardo Rodríguez, known as "Medio Metro", reportedly suffered…
Ramses Vidente prediction to, Host, Health, MundoNow, News

Ramsés Vidente makes a terrible prediction for Daniel Bisogno

Ramses Vidente prediction to Daniel Bisogno. Concern is generated after revelations. Is the host stalked by death? In the realm of entertainment, psychics and tarot readers frequently…