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Adamari Lopez

Fortuna de Adamari López: How much money does the Hoy Día presenter have?

At last it is known how much the fortune of Adamari López amounts The presenter has made a lot of money on Telemundo Could it be that…

Adamari López and her transformation through the years in photos

Adamari López is one of the actresses and presenters most loved by the Hispanic public in the United States. Since she began her career in soap operas,…

Adamari López shares the secret of her weight loss

Adamari López shares the secret of her weight loss and receives a shower of compliments from her followers "It's been almost 14 months since I decided to…

Adamari López moves her butt with Toni Costa and they tell her that she looks skinnier

Adamari López moves her butt with her partner, the dancer Toni Costa, and her fans tell her that she looks skinnier "There is nothing better than being…

Adamari López moves her butt with Toni Costa and they tell her that she looks skinnier

Adamari López moves her butt with her partner, the dancer Toni Costa, and her fans tell her that she looks skinnier "There is nothing better than being…

Rashel Díaz hits skinnier than Adamari López and her secret is discovered

Rashel Díaz had an outstanding participation as a guest in the program Despierta América The Cuban driver hits skinnier than Adamari López and her secret is discovered…

Did they cheat everyone and get married? An image of the supposed wedding of Adamari López and Toni Costa is filtered (PHOTO)

An image of the supposed wedding between Adamari López and Toni Costa appears It was on social networks that the news came to light that they were…