Vicente Fernández’s son’s girlfriend again shows off her ‘flirtatious’ father-in-law (PHOTO)

- Vicente Fernández’s son’s girlfriend gives something to talk about again
- Mariana González Padilla shows off her father-in-law again
- He assures that ‘by finger error’ he deleted his photo with ‘Chente’
Again Mariana González Padilla, the girlfriend of
Vicente Fernández’s son and known as «The Mexican Kim Kardashian», gives again what to talk about and again shows off her father-in-law.
It should be remembered that the model became famous after she shared images of her visit to the ranch of her boyfriend’s family, where she met Vicente Fernández.
On that occasion, Mariana González Padilla, through her stories of Instagram, shared the moment when Vicente Fernández was fastening his ankle boots, so several users warned Doña Cuquita, wife of the Mexican singer, to be very careful.
PHOTO Instagram Mariana González Padilla
As if that were not enough, the model took a couple of photographs in which she appears with her boyfriend and father-in-law, but in one of them, more suspicions were raised than ever, since «The Mexican Kim Kardashian» stares at Chente while he has her embraced by the waist.
Precisely, one of those photographs was the one that she deleted and uploaded again, with the difference that she now has the comments disabled, perhaps to avoid having a bad time with the attacks that both she and Vicente Fernández Jr. have been subjected to.
“By mistake of finger, I deleted my photo with my father-in-law. Here I post it again, The Idol of Mexico“, Mariana González Padilla posted in this publication.
So far, this photo has more than 12 thousand likes, including Vicente Fernández Jr himself, the singer Roberto Tapia and La Veneno Sandoval, former host of Telemundo’s Suelta la sopa.
After this photo, the girlfriend of Vicente Fernández’s son has not hesitated to share images in which she shows that she has a huge butt, apart from ensuring that she has operated on her entire body to look spectacular.
And in one of the most recent news, Vicente Fernández Jr assured that next year he will marry the Mexican model …
There will be a wedding! Vicente Fernández Jr’s girlfriend poses with an ingrown thong on her butt (PHOTO)
The day his girlfriend Mariana González Padilla poses with an ingrown thong on her butt, turning on social networks, Vicente Fernández Jr confirms that he will marry her.
Vicente Fernández Jr and his girlfriend, model Mariana González Padilla, returned to Mexico after spending a few days on vacation in Cancun and causing great controversy with some images they shared from their trip.
In this publication, which is available on her official Instagram account, Mariana González Padilla poses with an ingrown thong on her butt while advising the following: «If you’re going to throw in the towel, let it be on the beach.»
With more than 5 thousand likes at the moment, including Vicente Fernández Jr himself, this publication again has comments blocked. Could it be that Mariana is tired of the attacks?
PHOTO Instagram Mariana González Padilla
On the other hand and despite the criticism they have received for the videos in which they appear dancing reggaeton, the couple takes everything lightly and even the model commented: “And I don’t record everything because if I don’t… they hang me (looking at Vicente Fernández Jr) ”.
Vicente Fernández’s son did not hesitate to hide the love he feels for his current partner and although he is still married, he did not hesitate to reveal that he hopes to marry her next year.
«There are always plans for everything … I think that in 2021, you are going to accompany me to bring him the ring and ask for a date.»
Finally, Vicente Fernández Jr’s girlfriend took advantage of the moment to send a forceful message to the still wife of her boyfriend, Karina Ortegón, about the legal dispute they currently have:
«I am supporting him … I think she was his past, but she has insisted on wanting to continue being his present because here the one who has raised has been her, not him … I am very happy and I wish the best to the lady and I I know that all this is going to be fixed and all this is totally a lie ”. (With information from Agencia México)
The girlfriend of Vicente Fernández’s son shows off his huge butt in a cheeky bikini (PHOTO)
But before their wedding plans were confirmed and after having her partner dance reggaeton and be seen in a black thong, Mariana González Padilla, the girlfriend of Vicente Fernández’s son, showed off her butt in a photo she shared on social networks.
From Cancun, Quintana Roo, in Mexico, the model, whom many compare to the American socialite Kim Kardashian, showed her well-rounded body in an image that so far has more than 10,000 likes, including her partner, Vicente Fernandez Jr.
“To dream with your eyes open is to live”, was what Mariana González Padilla posted in this publication in which she boasts her huge butt, without imagining the wave of attacks she would receive next, but before her partner would surprise her.
«You are divine, my sky», to which the model replied: «I’m waiting for you with the little bikini.»
PHOTO Instagram Mariana González Padilla
A user did not save anything with his comment: “Do not pollute the beaches with so much plastic. The little luxury for the veterruco is expensive to maintain all that, even if it no longer stops ”.
«One more prosti», «My grandfather eats all that», «Yes, because you found your sugar daddy», «That old man no longer does anything to this big ass …», «He is going to infarct one of these days the old man «,» Where did he leave the grandfather? «,» Waste of a female, he needs a real charro «, can be read in more comments.
For his part, a person went further with his comment: «The truth is that you have a stomach, you girl, why eat that mucus with hair, the truth that you can eat glass.»
Someone else recalled Vicente Fernández in the following way: «What the father-in-law is going to eat.»
Some images in this note come from next video
The post Vicente Fernández’s son’s girlfriend again shows off her ‘flirtatious’ father-in-law (PHOTO) appeared first on Hispanic World.