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Heroes! A Venezuelan family saves a group of girls after they fell into frozen lake in Colorado

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Venezuelan family saves girls in Colorado (Photo: Jesus Carrasquel)
  • A Venezuelan family saves girls in Colorado.
  • They had fallen into a frozen lake.
  • It could have been a terrible tragedy.

In an impressive act of bravery, a family Venezuelan immigrants were “guardian angels” for a group of girls.

The little girls were on the brink of tragedy when they fell into a frozen lake in Colorado.

The dramatic incident was captured on video, showing the desperation of the little girls and the quick action of the unlikely heroes.

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Photo: MundoNOW

«Help! Help!» Heartbreaking screams echoed as the girls struggled on the frozen lake.

It was then that a member of the Venezuelan family, went to see what was happening.

«Come on, don’t panic!» the man tried to calm the girls, who were terrified.

The family was taking a walk in the area when they came across the girls in terrible trouble.

Venezuelan immigrants become heroes

Venezuelans, Colorado, lake, accident, girls
Photos: Jesus Carrasquel

Venezuelan immigrant Lorelis Marchan believes that it was like God who took them there: “It was a hunch that we felt at that moment. We’re not going there because the child wants to walk, I tell him.»

Lorelis’ husband, Yenderson Gonzalesz, confirmed the coincidence: «I told my wife that we should go there and she insisted that we come here.»

And he continued: «So, we were looking at the desperate situation that the girls were asking for help.»

Jorge, another member of the family, jumped into the water without hesitation, risking his life to save the girls.

The girls were rescued

lake, victim, accident, mishap, USA, Hispanic
Photos: Jesus Carrasquel

«And it occurred to me to go and get into the lake, so I could help them get out of that situation they were in,» said Jorge.

«While I was trying to take the girl’s hand so I could get her out, I fell into the lake with her again,» he says of his heroic rescue.

In the middle of all this, the situation became complicated. «Then I started to get them out, I got them up here and took them forward and pushed them so that they could crawl,» says Jorge.

Yenderson joined the rescue, offering a tree branch to help with the operation.

The weather in Colorado is freezing

Venezuelans, Colorado, lake, accident, girls
Photos: Jesus Carrasquel

«I couldn’t go out alone anymore, as soon as I settled on the ice, it broke,» added Jorge.

Lorelis’ husband, Yenderson, recognized the seriousness of the situation: «Five more minutes gives the children hypothermia and could stop the children’s hearts.»

The Venezuelan family, who arrived in Denver less than five months ago after crossing the dangerous Darien jungle, have been described as heroes for their brave act.

In a gesture of solidarity, a Mexican couple said: «That God sent them for a reason…»

Everything was caught on video

frozen, rescue, ice, weather, winter
Photos: Jesus Carrasquel

«We have helped them get an apartment, we helped them get a job and thanks to that we have met them and they are very good people,» said Agustin Fierro.

The Mexican family also highlighted the importance of unity among Hispanics, regardless of nationality.

«When people don’t know them, they have a very bad perception of them and the only thing they have shown us is that they are good people.»

«People who want to work; people who want to raise their families and I know that they are going to achieve it in this country that is so kind,» said the couple.

Hispanic immigrants are heroes in Colorado

Venezuelans, Colorado, lake, accident, girls
Photos: Jesus Carrasquel

This impressive rescue shows the importance of solidarity and unity among the Hispanic community.

In a country of immigrants currently so enmeshed in the immigration battle, heroic acts like this make it clear that humanity knows no geographical limits or barriers.

And that empathy can be the most powerful force to overcome any adversity.

It’s even more important to highlight this as we head into an election year in the U.S.

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