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Treatment for bursitis: 11 home remedies to ease your pain

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Are you looking for treatment for bursitis? Each year, bursitis occurs in one in 10,000 people, causing symptoms such as joint pain and stiffness, as well as swelling or redness in the shoulders, knees and heels. Bursitis occurs when the synovial bags, responsible for providing cushioning to the bones, tendons and muscles of the joints break. Although surgery is an option to control this problem, there are natural ways to ease your pain!

Rest up

Bursitis pain can manifest in the joints and last for several days, during which time people will experience swelling and pain. Along with medical treatment, rest is seen as an excellent option to keep these symptoms from getting worse. It is recommended to change posture during the day but, especially during sleeping hours, apply slight pressure, with the help of a special pillow or mattress, in the painful area.

Cold compresses to treat bursitis

treatment for bursitis

Cold therapy is one of the best options when chronic or acute bursitis pain is present, especially when the disease has been recently diagnosed. Apply a cold compress or a wrapped bag of frozen vegetables several times a day at 15-minute intervals, avoiding direct skin contact so as not to cause burns or further discomfort.

Light exercise

If you are an active person, the ideal treatment for bursitis is to do moderate physical activity during the days when you experience more discomfort or pain. Avoid high-impact exercises such as running and jumping at all costs. Although rest is recommended, experts recommend doing exercises, like yoga, that strengthen your joints without the need to apply weight.

Warm baths to relieve bursitis

treatment for bursitis

If the discomfort is persistent, it is recommended that you combine cold compresses and warm baths so that the you can rest and relax. Warm or hot baths are recommended for acute pain in the hips. If you want to apply hot compresses, it is better to resort to these after three days have elapsed since the first symptom.


Remember that all types of movement to relieve pain must be guided by a trained professional. In cases of bursitis, experts recommend stretching exercises when your are lying on a rigid but comfortable surface. One of the most recommended exercises is to lie down and draw your knees in, placing your feet on the ground. Afterwards, the knee must be brought towards the body with the hand for a maximum of 30 seconds.

Essential oils are a great treatment for bursitis

shoulder oil

Essential oils may be the answer you’ve been looking for to treat mild to moderate symptoms of bursitis in different parts of the body, such as shoulders, feet and hips. Mix ¼ cup of olive oil with a few drops of chamomile, basil or rosemary and apply them to the affected area with a gentle massage that does not exceed two minutes.

Homemade ointments

You can prepare your own ointments at home with natural ingredients, such as castor oil, a very powerful translucent colored liquid that is capable of giving you immediate relief. It is recommended to heat this oil without reaching a temperature that is uncomfortable for the patient and gently massage the hips, one of the areas most affected by bursitis.

Apple cider vinegar also fights bursitis


If you experience acute joint pain, consider using a cup of apple cider vinegar combined with a similar portion of water to create a very effective pain relief mixture. Soak a clean cloth or towel in this mixture and place it on your shoulders, hips, elbows, or legs. One of its advantages is that you can leave it for about an hour to feel more relief.

Milk of magnesia

This is one of the natural remedies that you can take orally, so you can avoid resorting to pain pills or painful injections for relief. You just have to mix a tablespoon of milk of magnesia in a glass of water and drink this mixture one to two times a day. With its anti-inflammatory properties, you will feel relief in your joints.



Ginger is used to relieve pain caused by various ailments, including bursitis, as it helps reduce inflammation and is easy to apply to different parts of the body. This is another of the natural ingredients that can be consumed orally, such as in teas, and applied as an ointment massaged into the areas where the discomfort occurs.


Alfalfa tea is an effective remedy for bursitis pain, but talk to your doctor beforehand it to make sure you’re not allergic to alfalfa. Soak a portion of dried alfalfa leaves in one cup of hot water. After 15 minutes, strain the residue and drink this mixture several times a day to feel its anti-inflammatory properties.

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