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The US will require some families seeking asylum to wear ankle monitors

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  • Biden administration addressing influx of asylum seekers.
  • Some families seeking asylum will be required to wear ankle monitors.
  • This will allow them to avoid detention while their claims are processed.

The Biden administration will implement a new measure to monitor immigrant families seeking asylum in the US. This will allow ICE to keep track of families after they enter the country without detaining them. What does this mean.

Adults who enter the United States with small children and seek asylum will be monitored with an electronic ankle bracelet and be subject to a curfew while authorities review their cases.

New policy for monitoring families seeking asylum

New measure against immigrants

The government will implement this measure in order to ensure that families submit to credible fear interviews, which determine whether they have a case to file for asylum, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service said Wednesday in a statement.

Families who receive a negative response after having submitted to the credible fear interview will be deported within 30 days, the statement said, according to EFE.

US to monitor some asylum seekers with ankle monitors

US to use electronic shackles with border detainees

Initially this new US government program only applies to families who come from countries to which there are deportation flights and who reside in Newark, Washington, Baltimore and Chicago, according to CBS News.

The US is “committed to imposing greater consequences on those who cross the (border) irregularly in a humane and safe manner,” said Corey A. Price, a senior ICE official, according to SwissInfo.

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