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Ron DeSantis seeks special session to pass harsh new immigration laws

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DeSantis seeks to pass harsh Florida immigration laws (Photo: MundoNOW Archive)
  • Ron DeSantis seeks to pass harsh Florida immigration laws.
  • He wants to mirror Texas SB 4.
  • It may require a special session of the Florida legislature.

The shadow of the controversial Texas SB-4 law seems to be stalking Florida.

Governor Ron DeSantis has made public his intentions to create a similar law in his state.

This is generating more fear among the immigrants living in Florida.

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Ron DeSantis seeks more harsh Florida immigration laws

Florida immigration laws, texas sb 4, ron desantis
PHOTO: MundoNOW Archive

The controversial Texas law SB-4 allows police to arrest and detain people suspected of having entered the United States illegally.

The mere rumor of its implementation scared away immigrants who decided to stay in the state after Florida passed SB-1718, better known as the anti-immigrant law.

DeSantis’ plan comes to light just days after an appeals court decided to block SB-4 in Texas as the federal government argues that it is unconstitutional.

«I’m working with folks… to give our law enforcement more authority to arrest and detain because I think that will be a huge disincentive for people to come if we can do it,» DeSantis said on Sean Hannity’s radio show.

What would Florida’s anti-immigrant law look like?

Florida immigration laws, texas sb 4, ron desantis
PHOTO: MundoNOW Archive

So far, DeSantis is focused on the aspects of SB-4 that makes it a state crime to enter the country illegally.

This is in addition to the power it gives local authorities the power to arrest and sentence undocumented immigrants.

So far there is no indication that Ron DeSantis’ plans have gone very far.

First he would need to call a special session of the Florida legislature to vote on any immigration bills.

This would not be the first Florida anti-immigration law

United States, implementation, immigrants, state, SB-1718, MundoNOW

Immigration activists are preparing to speak out against any anti-immigrant legislation.

In the last year, DeSantis passed some laws that have hit the immigrant community hard.

Among them are SB-1718 — legislation that scared hundreds of undocumented immigrants to leave their jobs and homes.

Just a few weeks ago, the governor signed three bills that toughen the legal framework against undocumented immigrants in the state.

Undocumented immigrants can’t get a Florida driver’s license

Constitution, country, law enforcement, authority, DeSantis, MundoNOW

A new law that goes into effect between July 1 and October 1, 2024, will prohibit undocumented immigrants from getting a Florida driver’s license.

Additionally, there will be tougher prison sentences for immigrants who are living illegally in the United States if they are convicted of driving without a license or committing serious crimes.

De Santis also recently ordered the deployment of more than 250 members of the National Guard and police officers to monitor the southern coast of Florida,

“We do not tolerate illegal immigration, let alone lawlessness committed by illegal aliens who shouldn’t be here in the first place,” DeSantis said in a speech in March.

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