Replace catalytic converter with a perfect touch
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How to replace a car’s catalytic converter successfully?

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Replace catalytic converter, Replace the catalyst, exhaust, Acadia, Engine, MundoNOW / Reemplazar el catalizador, escape, Acadia, Motor, MundoNOW
  • Replacing a car’s catalytic converter is a simple task
  • Experts recommend changing it when it reaches 120,000 kilometers
  • When it begins to fail, the engine loses power

As part of the car’s maintenance plan, replacing the catalytic converter is necessary when you feel any malfunction in the engine’s operation or when its lifespan has reached 120,000 kilometers.

These are the main warning signs, which must be detected in time to avoid inconveniences and sudden engine failure.

Automotive mechanics experts recommend that drivers not neglect the replacement of the car’s catalytic converter when it’s time.

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The engine begins to lose power, and at the same time, it experiences high temperatures, overheating, and a fierce fuel consumption.

Therefore, it is necessary to know how to replace the catalytic converter with the guidance of a trusted mechanic.

Luis is one of them, and from his workshop, called Atlanta SUV, he explains the proper procedure for replacing the device with a new one.

To successfully replace the catalytic converter, the auto mechanic will perform the demonstration on a 2009 Acadia.

Disassembling the catalytic converter

Replace catalytic converter, exhaust, mechanics, Engine, MundoNOW

With the necessary experience, Luis and his assistant begin to disassemble the piece from the damaged car.

It is located attached to the engine.

They also start unscrewing the screws that hold the mechanical device very carefully.

For this type of work, it is important to use the right tools and, of course, personal protective equipment.

Cutting and welding

cut, weld, welding, Motor, MundoNOW

After disconnecting, Luis proceeds to cut the inputs and outputs of the old catalytic very carefully.

This is to avoid any unsafe act, which will be adapted to the new device.

At this step, it is vital to make the perfect measurement to avoid any problems during reinstallation.

Luis is now ready for the next step: welding the inputs and outputs so that it is attached to the new catalytic converter.

Placement of the new catalytic converter

mechanic, car part, gloves, Engine, MundoNOW, catalytic converter

The experts align the catalytic converter between the engine and the exhaust, adjusting with a perfect touch to prevent any air leakage.

One of the suggestions from the mechanics at Atlanta SUV is to ensure that the mechanical equipment comes from a reputable brand.

This way, the 2009 Acadia has an original catalytic converter and is ready to regain its power on the streets.

Don’t forget that a car’s catalytic converter is a fundamental element and also one of the most common malfunctions.

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