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4 reasons not to give your cell phone or tablet to your baby

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  • Did you know that 80% of children in the US have access to a tablet?
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Learn about why you shouldn’t give your electronic devices to your baby! According to the American Association of Pediatrics, it is advisable to avoid sharing electronic devices such as tablets and cell phones with children under 18 months of age. If you do, you should limit them to one hour a day.

A 2017 Common Sense Media study found that at least 80% of children in the US have access to a mobile device, which poses several risks, especially when it comes to their health. Here are four reasons why you should not give your devices to a baby!

4. Dangers of cell phones and tablets: They promote poor posture

Dangers of cell phones and tablets

One of the main dangers of giving a cell phone or a tablet to a baby is that it can lead to bad posture. Various scientific studies have focused on analyzing how the constant use of mobile devices affects the human body. Babies may not always find a comfortable position to hold a tablet, which could lead to hunching over for prolonged periods.

As a result of this, many children and adults often report back, shoulder or head pain. This is especially dangerous for babies, since science has not yet been able to define what the long-term effects of using mobile devices in babies would be.

3. It could affect their vision

babies and tablets

One of the potential dangers of cell phones and tablets is that babies are at risk of dry eyes and other vision problems due to screen brightness, contrast, and the type of images you see. It is important to monitor their use and limit it to one hour a day.

With dry eye, babies and children tend to blink less frequently and, in some cases, develop strabismus. Remember that a baby does not yet have the tools to communicate their discomfort if it’s too bright or loud.

2. Electronic devices affect sleep patterns

Dangers of cell phones and tablets

Cell phones and tablets can not only cause vision problems, but also sleep disturbances. This could raise stress levels or have a negative effect on your baby’s behavior, causing confusion and chronic fatigue, in the most serious cases.

Science has been able to confirm that increased exposure to screens from electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, and televisions tends to wreak havoc on sleep patterns, possibly as a response to stress. Electronic devices are also associated with weight gain, myopia, insomnia and concentration disturbances.

1. Cell phone and tablets can weaken the immune system

sick baby

In a study carried out by the University of Arizona, it was found that the surface of mobile devices has ten times more bacteria than a toilet. The bad news is that, in general, these bacteria are capable of surviving for hours on the same surface, something that puts babies in serious danger.

This is another of the great dangers of cell phones and tablets, especially for babies who are in the stage of putting everything in their mouths. By being in direct contact with the screen for an extended period of time, they are at greater risk of contracting respiratory or stomach diseases.

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