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A few weeks after ‘showing off’ her boyfriend, is Raúl de Molina’s daughter going to become a mother?

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  • Raúl de Molina’s daughter is on everyone’s mouth after her most recent photo.
  • A few weeks after ‘showing off’ her boyfriend, is Mía de Molina going to become a mother?
  • «That tummy can’t be hidden,» Internet users say.

It was in the first days of July that Mía de Molina, daughter of Raúl de Molina, host of the program El Gordo y La Flaca, ‘showed off’ her boyfriend, named Gabriel Edgardo Cardoze Lewis, but now many wonder if she will become a mother.

Through the Instagram account of Chamonic you can see a picture that the young man uploaded to his social networks, which are private, but if there is something that draws attention, it is ‘the belly’ that Mía seems to have or perhaps it’s simply a loose dress.

They hope that Raúl de Molina will confirm if their daughter is pregnant

They hope that Raúl de Molina will confirm if their daughter is pregnant
Instagram photo of Mía de Molina

“Many are saying if Mía de Molina, Raúl’s daughter, is pregnant, as I asked and they say no, but here it does seem, although it could be the dress she is wearing. Time to time, it was super that Raúl himself said if he is here or not! ”, You can read in this publication that it caused all kinds of reactions.

«It seems that yes, even the feet are swollen», «Obviously if you notice a pregnant belly», «Maybe she only gained a few pounds», «Maybe she just has the belly of her dad«,» It had to be said and said «,» If it is, in the expensive you can see it in your eyes ”, expressed some users.

Raúl de Molina would have denied the news

Raúl de Molina would have denied the news
Instagram photo of Mía de Molina

After seeing this photograph, one person assured that the driver of El Gordo y La Flaca, Raúl de Molina, had said that his daughter Mía de Molina is not pregnant, but the photo that her boyfriend shared on social networks seems to show otherwise .

«Her face can be seen and she wears a ring», «It is obvious that she is pregnant, because if you look at photos on her profile, a year ago she was much thinner and different and that tummy cannot hide it», » If it’s a tummy «,» Well, if it looks pregnant, «you can read in some comments.

«It gives the fat man the patatus»

"He gives the fat boy the patatus"
Instagram photo of Mía de Molina

The comments continued to be present, most of them assuring that Mía de Molina is actually pregnant. It should be remembered that the young woman is usually very discreet in her social networks, where her last photo is precisely accompanied by Gabriel Cardoze.

«It gives the fat man patatús, with how critical he is», «Very pregnant, I would say, she even got cachetona, she’s a girl», «If that’s how the gossip of others says … now that he says about his daughter» , «It already put all four legs», «The truth is the face if it looks like a pregnant woman.»

«She’s not pretty at all,» they say to Mía de Molina, Raúl de Molina’s daughter

"She is not pretty at all", they say to Mía de Molina, daughter of Raúl de Molina
Photo Instagram Chamonic

About to reach 30 thousand followers on her Instagram account, Mía de Molina has shared only 31 publications so far, the last of them precisely with her boyfriend, Gabriel Edgardo Cardoze Lewis, who was the one who shared this photo that it’s giving a lot to talk about.

“He covers the face of the old talkative Raúl, apart from that she is not pretty at all. The girl, how good for her that she found a boyfriend because it is said that she is toxic «,» I say yes because she is super thin «,» I say that if she is very pregnant «,» It may be the dress, but I know You see a lump ”,“ She is not pregnant, she is extremely pregnant, she looks like she is dying ”.

And Raúl de Molina?

And Raúl de Molina?
Instagram photo Raúl de Molina

«Lunch with @miademomo and my friend and manager @ luisbalaguer1 with his son @lcbaalaguer in Miami in front of the bay on a beautiful afternoon,» wrote the host of El Gordo y La Flaca in his most recent post on social networks. In a couple of these images, Mía de Molina appears.

Users did not miss the opportunity and asked Raúl de Molina if his daughter is pregnant: “Ask, is Mia pregnant?”, “Raúl, no offense, the question is for you, not for your followers. your shirts? They look very big ”. The presenter was amused and clarified that his daughter is not pregnant.

Raúl de Molina prefers not to give more details

Raúl de Molina prefers not to give more details
Photo Mezcalent

When nobody expected it, the daughter of Raúl de Molina, Mia de Molina, premieres romance and publishes a photo with her boyfriend on her social networks, and although the host of El Gordo y La Flaca had already released this news, she preferred not to give more details of the 21-year-old’s relationship.

It was during the broadcast of this evening Univisión show that the host was approached by the presenter Clarissa de Molina, who asked him about her daughter’s partner and how all this is coming up: “Tell me, tell me Rauli, how are you doing as a father-in-law? ? ”.

«Love is in the air»

"Love is in the air"
Instagram photo of Mía de Molina

On the verge of reaching 30 thousand followers on her Instagram account, Raúl de Molina’s daughter is usually very reserved in terms of her private life, so it took many by surprise that she shared a photo with her boyfriend, the young man Gabriel Edgardo Cardoze, whom he tagged in this post.

With more than 3,000 likes to date, including his famous father, this photograph only and exclusively provoked compliments for the young couple, among them, from the Cuban driver Lili Estefan, who told them: «Beautiful», while the presenter and model Alejandra Espinoza shared a couple of emojis of faces in love.

Mía de Molina tells her father that he is her «superhero»

Mia de Molina tells her dad that he is her "Super Hero"
Instagram photo of Mía de Molina

As mentioned above, Mía de Molina is usually very reserved in her social networks, to the extent that to date she has only shared 33 publications with her followers, but her famous father did not miss the opportunity to upload this tender image.

“Look what Mía @miademomo and @cubapalm prepared for me for the #happyfathersday breakfast. I did not expect it. As you know, I watch all the #copaamerica and # eurocopa2021 games on @prendetv and @ univision.deportes. #Happy Father’s day to everyone. Come and see the videos ”.

Raúl de Molina boasts a trip but raises suspicions

Raúl de Molina boasts a trip but raises suspicions
Instagram photo Raúl de Molina

After being accused of alleged abuse of celebrities in his program, Raúl de Molina, host of the program El Gordo y La Flaca, boasts a luxurious trip on social networks and is rained with criticism. In some people the question arises: Are you fleeing?

“Vacations, surprised that on the second floor of the 747-800 we were like a private plane on our way to #Africa and look at those I met at the airport in Germany how they were dressed. There were about 200 people on the plane below, but there is room for many more. @cubapalm thought she had rented the plane for her haha. We had paid for this trip for more than a year and we canceled it in March of the previous year due to the pandemic. Now that we are vaccinated, we decided to come and I will tell you how we are doing ”.

Complaints against Raúl de Molina

Complaints against Raúl de Molina
Photo Mezcalent

One of the celebrities who has raised her voice against the driver is the singer Graciela Beltrán, who has said that she has been the victim of his handling, as well as the singer Virggi López, both did not remain silent and threw themselves against Raúl de Molina.

The singer explained that on one occasion she came as a guest to the program, but to enter the jacuzzi, in a bikini, she said that everything was going well until the man touched her buttock, not once, not twice, but up to three times, but not I could say nothing because it was live.

The post A few weeks after ‘showing off’ her boyfriend, Raúl de Molina’s daughter, will she become a mother? appeared first on Hispanic World.


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