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Triumph for the LGBTQ community: Pope Francis allows priests to bless same-sex couples

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Pope blessing equal marriages, News, Couples, Romance, Religion / Papa bendición matrimonios igualitarios, Noticia, Parejas, Romance, Religión
Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples / Photo: The Associated Press
  • Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples.
  • It’s a radical change for the Catholic church.
  • The decision sparks debate.

Pope Francis has made history by formally approving blessings for same-sex couples.

This has triggered a fundamental change in the policy of the Catholic church, as well as controversy within the church.

The change emphasizes a shift to make the church more inclusive without going so far as to approve of same-sex marriage.

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The Vatican’s doctrine office document, which came out recently, expands on the position expressed in a previous letter from the Pope.

This was directed at two conservative cardinals in October, according to The Associated Press.

In this preliminary response, Pope Francis suggested the possibility of approving these blessings under certain circumstances.

They are allowed as long as they are separated from the sacraments of traditional marriage.

Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples

Vatican, 'Decision, News, Impact, Community
Photo: The Associated Press

This new statement reiterates and expands on this stance, reaffirming the concept that marriage is a life-long sacrament between a man and a woman.

It also emphasizes that blessings should not be granted simultaneously with civil unions or be associated in any way with rituals or items associated with traditional marriage.

However, it highlights that requests for these blessings should not be categorically rejected.

It also provides an extensive definition of the term «blessing,» which is found in various parts of the Scriptures.

The Vatican further defines the term ‘blessing’

Couples, Relationships, Marriage, Weddings, LGBTQ
Photo: Shutterstock

The Vatican’s statement argues that those seeking a transcendent connection with God and seeking His love and compassion should not be subjected to «exhaustive moral analysis.»

The document emphasizes that, essentially, a blessing provides people with a way to strengthen their faith in God, according to Spectrum News.

It maintains that the request for a blessing reflects and encourages openness to transcendence, mercy and closeness to God.

In addition, it adds that this request represents a seed of the Holy Spirit that must be cultivated rather than hindered.

Blessings and their importance in religion

Church, Bible, Religions, Rome, Pope blessing same-sex marriages
Photo: The Associated Press

Furthermore, the importance of providing opportunities for people to strengthen their spiritual connection without restrictive barriers is emphasized.

«Ultimately, a blessing offers people a means to increase their trust in God,» the document states.

«The request for a blessing, thus, expresses and nurtures openness to the transcendence…, the definition continues.

The text also highlights «mercy and closeness to God in a thousand concrete circumstances of life, which is no small thing in the world in which we live.»

Reflections on religious evolution

Evolution, Controversy, Scandal, Gay, Equality
Photo: Shutterstock

This change in ecclesiastical perspective has sparked far reaching discussion and reflection within the Catholic community and in the Vatican.

Similarly, this topic has captured the attention of those interested in the evolution of religious teachings and policies in the modern era.

Responses and reactions to this approval indicate a significant step toward inclusion and openness in the Catholic Church, according to Spectrum News.

It raises questions and sparks debates about the evolution of doctrine and the changing realities of the contemporary world, noted The Associated Press.

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