New York Governor Kathy Hochul announces 32,000 jobs for migrants
New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced there are 32,000 jobs for migrants who are permitted to work in the US.

- NY Governor Kathy Hochul announces 32,000 jobs for immigrants.
- That’s up from 18,000 announced in early October.
- Learn how to apply.
On October 24, New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced promising news for the immigrant community in her state.
She announced there will be more jobs for thousands of migrants with permission to work.
The number of available jobs for immigrants rose to a total of 32,000, greatly exceeding the previously announced figure of 18,000 on October 2.
This state initiative seeks to connect workers with employers willing to hire immigrants with work permits.
32,000 jobs available for migrants in New York

Governor Hochul highlighted the importance of this measure. «We’ve now identified — this is a new release,» she began.
«… 32,000 jobs are waiting for the Venezuelans who up until now have not been able to work,» she continued.
In addition, she recognized the influx of migrants in the last 18 months, saying: «This is the largest migration of humanity since post-World War II.»
While acknowledging the public’s frustration, she expressed her hope that they will find solutions.
TPS status is extended for Venezuelans

The extension of TPS status for Venezuelans announced by the Biden administration on September 20 is crucial to this initiative.
This allows Venezuelans to live and work in the United States without the constant fear of deportation.
Venezuelans are the largest group of migrants in New York and this measure provides them with a sense of stability and safety.
Since spring 2022, more than 130,600 immigrants, mostly from Latin America, have arrived in New York.
Government support for immigrants in New York

More than 64,000 Latinos are receiving housing, daily meals and essential medical services in New York City.
Additionally, more than 20,000 immigrant children have been enrolled in the city’s school system.
The extension of TPS could benefit 15,000 Venezuelans in New York, allowing them to find employment within a month.
Despite the opportunities, only about 2,100 immigrants in NYC have applied for work permits, including about 300 Venezuelans.
Governor Hochul is promoting inclusion

Governor Hochul highlights the need to promote labor participation in the immigrant community for their inclusion and well-being in New York.
This measure aims to ensure that more immigrants take advantage of job opportunities.
This will help them establish a stable and prosperous future in the United States.
The extension of TPS relieves Venezuelans and other immigrants who are searching for a better life in New York State.
More immigrants are enrolled in NY public schools

New York schools have seen a significant increase in new students due to an influx of migrants from Central and South America.
In the last year, more than 120,000 migrants arrived in New York, adding nearly 30,000 children to public schools, according to CNN en Español.
In August, the government reaffirmed the right of all students, including migrant children, to receive free public education in the state.
The state directive indicated that enrollment in public schools is reserved for individuals between 5 and 21 years old, regardless of their nationality or immigration status.
Migrant children can attend public school regardless of their immigration status

It was also stressed that no school may establish “policies or requirements that exclude non-citizen or undocumented students.»
This also includes families who don’t have a permanent address.
In New York, schools have had to implement different measures such as hiring extra staff to handle excess enrollment.
This has included new language teachers and close collaboration with the families of newcomers to help them adapt.