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Miracle? Priest says something amazing happened with the hosts at mass

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  • What happened at a mass in Connecticut?
  • The priest surprised attendees.
  • There doesn’t seem to be an explanation for the possible miracle.

IS IT A MIRACLE FOR HOLY WEEK? Hundreds of believers in the United States were stunned after hearing the story of a priest who claimed to have witnessed a miracle before starting a Eucharist in his church in Connecticut.

The priest’s name is Joseph Crowley and he is the head of St. Thomas Church in Thomaston. On March 5, he reported what he called a «miracle» while preparing to start mass.

A true miracle

a true miracle
PHOTO: Facebook

Father Crowley told WFSB that it happened when he and one of the eucharistic ministers were preparing the hosts for the religious service. The priest realized that they were about to run out… he turned his gaze away for a moment and when he looked back at the hosts, they both realized that they had multiplied.

«Shocking,» Crowley said. In addition, he said that the man who also witnessed the incident considered it powerful and real. Crowley refrained from revealing the other man’s identity.

“It was very shocking”

"It was very shocking"
PHOTO: Facebook

“It’s really cool when God does these things, and it’s really amazing when we realize what he’s done. It’s shocking, but it’s exciting when these things happen to us,» the priest told the outlet.

News of the miracle began to spread so the church began to receive many more faithful and believers who want to strengthen their faith and learn about the «miraculous» place where this incident occurred.

Diocese begins investigation

Priest hosts full mass: Diocese begins investigation
PHOTO: Facebook

«We really celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that the Eucharist is really the body, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ and that all things are possible with God,» Crowley added.

The Archdiocese of Hartford, in Connecticut, announced that they are aware of this testimony and announced that the respective investigations will be carried out to determine whether or not this case should reach the Vatican authorities.

Is it really a miracle?

Host priest full mass: Is it really a miracle?
PHOTO: Facebook

«He was immediately informed by an extraordinary minister that he was a last-minute replacement for the Pastor (whose thumb was bandaged before Mass),» the father wrote in a video he shared on his personal Instagram account.

A netizen commented: «Amen.» And it turns out that for many this incident was totally surprising, they didn’t expect this to happen days before Easter. Will it be part of the miracles?

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