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Mhoni Vidente predicts ‘dangerous’ earthquake in 2025

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Mhoni Vidente sismo 2025, terremoto, Mhoni Vidente earthquake 2025, earthquake, MundoNOW
Mhoni Vidente predicts earthquake in 2025 PHOTO: Shutterstock /// YouTube capture Mhoni Vidente
  • Will a new earthquake shake Mexico in 2025?
  • When will this quake occur according to the psychic?
  • How to prepare for these warnings?

Mhoni Vidente, known for her controversial predictions, has issued a new warning that has caused concern among her followers.

The famous Cuban psychic, who previously accurately predicted several earthquakes in Mexico City (CDMX), claims that a new seismic event will occur in Mexican territory during the year 2025.

According to Mhoni Vidente, the epicenter of this earthquake will be in the state of Guerrero, a region known for its seismic activity.

Although the tremor will be felt in various parts of the country, CDMX will be one of the most affected areas, according to her visions, she said in her YouTube video.

Mhoni Vidente warns of a dangerous earthquake in 2025

This has generated alarm on social networks, where thousands of people have expressed their concern about the possible effects of this event.

The prediction includes a disturbing detail: the exact time of the quake.

Mhoni Vidente asserts that the seismic movement will occur after noon, approximately at 2:30 PM.

However, she did not specify either the day or the month when it will happen, which has left many Mexicans in a state of uncertainty.

«The earthquakes in Mexico will continue; we must take care because it will be strong, it will come from Guerrero, it will be in the day, thank God! It will be at 2:30 PM the next earthquake of 6.9 or 6.6, in that range,» revealed Mhoni Vidente.

It is important to mention that the psychic emphasizes that her predictions aim to prevent, not to cause panic.

On multiple occasions, Mhoni Vidente has insisted that her visions seek to alert people so that they take the necessary measures and are prepared for any eventuality.

Despite the lack of precise details, these statements have served as a reminder of the importance of prevention in a country like Mexico, where earthquakes are a constant threat.

What to do in an earthquake?

Authorities and experts recommend always having an emergency kit on hand, identifying safe areas within homes, and participating in evacuation drills.

Although some detractors question the validity of these predictions, Mhoni Vidente remains an influential figure for thousands of people who trust her visions.

As always, it is up to each individual to decide how to interpret these warnings and how to act on them.

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Mhoni Vidente predicts earthquake in 2025 PHOTO: MundoNOW

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