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After confirming his sexuality, a member of Despierta América marries his boyfriend (PHOTOS)

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  • Luis Sandoval married his boyfriend in Mexico.
  • The Despierta América’s correspondent married Renato Pérez.
  • The wedding took place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Last weekend the members of the morning program Despierta América were partying at the wedding of the correspondent of the show, Luis Sandoval, who married his boyfriend, whom he had already been dating for about two years.

It was through Despierta América’s Instagram account that they shared a video of the wedding of producer Luis Sandoval, who married his boyfriend Renato Pérez, the celebration took place on the beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, last Saturday.

Luis Sandoval marries his boyfriend

Luis Sandoval marries his boyfriend

«Congratulations to Luis Sandoval and Renato Pérez because this weekend they joined their lives in a ceremony that took place in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mx», was what was written in the post, where you can see the photographs of the ceremony where the couple unite in marriage.

Previously in 2018 Luis Sandoval, had admitted his homosexuality in a broadcast of his program when he said: “Today is a very important day for me, because today I decide to share my story publicly, ladies and gentlemen, I Luis Sandoval am gay ”.

Luis Sandoval wedding groom: Wedding in Puerto Vallarta

gay wedding in Mexico

In his social network profile, Luis Sandoval, shared the images of his wedding with his now husband, Renato Pérez, who can be seen quite happy, in this beautiful moment that they both looked forward to, after having years of being boyfriends, and now they will share an eternity together.

«Long live love and that everything that you long for and dream of continues to be fulfilled», «What beauty their smiles !!! Congratulations!!! All the blessings of the world ”,“I love you very much, I would have loved to be there but we were in spirit ”, were some comments from his friends on Instagram.

Luis Sandoval wedding groom: «What is happening in the world?»

Luis Sandoval shares photos of his wedding with boyfriend

But not everything was happiness, since in the publication of Despierta América, where they posted the series of images of the wedding between the male couple, several Internet users showed their disgust, for the realization of this type of weddings between people of the same gender .

«Holy God!! What about this world? «,» What is happening in the world? «,» With all due respect that smells very bad to our Heavenly Father «,» this world is upside down but God has to straighten it out «,» God made a woman for a man and vice versa God have mercy on this world that is an abomination «,» Holy Lord, forgive him for his sins, «commented the users.

Luis Sandoval wedding groom: Annoying users

Luis Sandoval gets married

«That is why we are going through so much disaster in the world. God never left a man with another man. He made man and woman and united them, the day comes when we will all regret everything we did. This is sin, gentlemen, it is not possible that these things are happening. Read the bible. Let us repent of all sin. God is coming soon. Let’s not live a messy life. «

«The enemy and this means serving as a promotion to an abomination of the word of God to confuse and deceive Leviticus», «Making fun of God, with Christian music, sir, what a sadness ”,“ That’s why these things are happening ”, continued the bad comments from Internet users.

Luis Sandoval wedding groom: He confessed his homosexuality

Luis Sandoval and Renato get engaged

Some years ago, in a great act of courage, Luis Sandoval, a reporter for Despierta América, decided to share his sexual preferences with the followers of the program and at the national level. Which left several netizens astonished after a tremendous confession.

The Univisión collaborator took advantage of this Thursday’s broadcast to reveal his homosexuality to the public with an emotional message in the company of his colleagues Karla Martínez and Ismael Cala, who was presenting his book. Today she is already married to her boyfriend.

«I am happy, I am a full person»

The wedding is held in Puerto Vallarta

A video on the morning’s Instagram account took up the moment which was titled: “@luissandovaltv has the courage to make his sexual orientation public at home and with his family, @despiertamerica. His testimony moved us all and together we accompany them in their fight to end bullying and attacks on the #LGTBQ community ”.

Luis added through tears that he felt happy with the support of his loved ones: “I am happy, I am a full person, a respected person, I believe I am respectable and I do not live in the closet, that is, my family knows, my friends know, I have a partner. With which I am happy and if I cry it is because it is a very special moment for me ”.

He felt responsible to help

Her boyfriend looks happy

The native of Nayarit mentioned feeling with responsibility to help: “I felt that I had to come to talk with more people who feel trapped who do not know what is happening to them, children who are victims of bullying, mothers who are afraid of their children when they rejection. That is why today I am here in this window talking about this situation and trying to pave the way for the new generations, I am fine, thank God, but there are many who are not.

He added: “And if I didn’t have the support of my mother, my father, my sisters, my nephews, my partner, my friends, you (takes Karla Martínez’s hand while sobbing) that you are my older sister here in Despierta America, from you Ismael, Luz María from all of you who are here, Satcha (Pretto), if I didn’t have the support of all of you and love, I wouldn’t be here ”. Filed Under: Luis Sandoval Groom Wedding.

«This is how they all have to be, have the courage»

Luis Sandoval shows his happiness with his boyfriend

The communicator highlighted the importance of her mother’s support: “To my mother… she knows that I am very grateful to her, she knows that the support she has given me at all times has made me the person I am today, from I did talk to her yesterday ”.

The great act of courage and on the part of Luis quickly generated comments: “This is how they all have to be, have the courage and that is their life”, “I loved this interview, you have a big and generous heart”, “total support for Luis Sandoval should not have been easy to make this decision «,» you are a great being and that is what matters, the rest is superfluous «,» the truth is that you deserve my recognition for wearing them well and declaring your preferences on the air, bravo. » Filed Under: Luis Sandoval Groom Wedding.

International Day to come out of the closet

October 11 is the International Day to come out of the closet and raise awareness about the importance of coming out of the closet and discuss issues related to gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender. That day, Luis opened his heart to the screens of the Despierta América program.
“Today is a very important day for me because today I decide to share my story publicly. Ladies and gentlemen, I, Luis Sandoval, am gay. I am happy, I am a full person, a respected person, I think I am respectable ”, says the producer, notably moved and with tears in his eyes. Filed Under: Luis Sandoval Groom Wedding.

«Long live love»


This revelation caused a furor and as he did in the video, the driver decided to reveal the identity of his partner through his account Instagram. The publication dates back to October 15, 2018. In it, Luis is seen with a man named Renato Pérez, hugging and walking through the sunny streets of a busy city.

“They make a very nice couple. Long live love ”,“ I congratulate you by showing true love. Long live love ”,“ beautiful, greetings ”,“ blessings for you two. Go ahead ”,“ love in freedom. Congratulations ”,“ I am very pleased for you ”,“ you deserve everything beautiful and good that happens to you in life ”,“ both of you handsome. God bless you always ”,“ such for such, gorgeous ”, commented the enthusiastic fans of the driver. Filed Under: Luis Sandoval Groom Wedding.


The post After confirming her sexuality, a member of Despierta América marries her boyfriend (PHOTOS) appeared first on Hispanic World.


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