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Los Angeles Dodgers legend Tommy Davis dies

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  • American baseball legend, Tommy Davis dies.
  • He played for the Los Angeles Dodgers and was a legendary hitter.
  • Family and friends mourn his sudden death.

The world of baseball wakes up to bad news, as it was reported that legendary Los Angeles Dodgers batter Tommy Davis has died at 83 years of age. He was surrounded by his loved ones. The cause of his death was not specified, but his family says he passed last weekend and they have just made the news public, according to People en Español.

Though he retired after an injury at the age of 36, he remained linked to the Dodgers. He worked with the Dodgers community relations department until a year ago, when he moved to Arizona. His team communicated the tragic news after his family confirmed it through his daughter Morgana Davis.


Tommy Davis dies
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The beloved Los Angeles Dodgers star passed away in the city of Phoenix, Arizona on April 3. However, the cause of his death was not disclosed. He was surrounded by his loved ones when he passed.

Today he has left a great void in his family. He will be especially missed by his wife, Carol Davis; his son, Herman; his four daughters, Morgana, Lauren, Carlyn and Leslie, in addition to all his grandchildren.


Los Angeles Dodgers
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The legendary Los Angeles Dodgers player was born in New York on March 21, 1939. Since he was a student at Boys High School in Brooklyn, he never stopped dreaming of being one of the greats. He even played high school basketball with N.B.A. Hall of Famer Lenny Wilkens.

Everything changed in 1956. He was contacted by baseball legend Jackie Robinson. “My mother kept asking me who I was talking to,” he said in a 2019 interview, according to the Associated Press. “I pointed to the phone and she was able to read my lips as she silently told him in disbelief: It’s Jackie Robinson! I couldn’t believe that I was talking to one of my biggest idols, even though frankly I hardly even said a word.» Filed Under: Tommy Davis Dies

The post Los Angeles Dodgers legend Tommy Davis dies appeared first on Mundo Hispanico

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