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Little girl loses all her limbs due to medical error and receives $50 million

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  • A little girl in the UK had all her limbs amputated.
  • Hospital error leads to large settlement.
  • How the tragic incident happened.

A terrible medical error caused a little girl to have all her limbs amputated. The United Kingdom courts heard the case and ruled that the medical error will be compensated for 39 million pounds sterling, (approximately $48.3 million), reported Univision.

According to the outlet, the little girl had a high fever and was vomiting when her parents brought her to the Frimley Park Hospital but was mistakenly discharged and sent home.

The girl was brought to the hospital for possible sepsis and meningitis

Medical negligence causes a girl to lose her limbs
PHOTO: Shutterstock

A little girl from the United Kingdom began to experience symptoms such as fever, vomiting and drowsiness, so her parents went to the Frimley Park hospital in Surrey, a city in the southeast of England, for treatment.

According to Unvision, the little girl was red-flagged for meningococcal sepsis, but was accidentally sent home with paracetamol, rather than being admitted. When she returned hours later, her symptoms had worsened.

Doctors amputated all of her limbs

Medical negligence causes a girl to lose her limbs
PHOTO: Shutterstock

Elizabeth Gumbel, lawyer and representative for the family, indicated that doctors at the hospital indicated the little girl’s sepsis had worsened and they had to amputate all her limbs.

The girl’s legs were severed above the knee and her arms above the elbow, according to the BBC. However, the family and the lawyer maintained that if the little girl had been treated promptly, she wouldn’t have needed the amputations. Filed Under: Medical Error Causes Girl To Lose Her Limbs

The little girl’s family receives financial compensation

PHOTO: Shutterstock

Neil Dardis, executive director of the Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, agreed with the family and the family’s lawyer. Dardis apologized to the family in a letter.

Elizabeth Gumbel says the little girl is very brave: «She is an extraordinarily brave girl who manages to do very well academically at school. There is not a lot of money that can really compensate her for her injuries,» according to ABC.

The family will receive a lump sum and annual payments

PHOTO: Shutterstock

The hospital will have to pay a lump sum as well as annual payments to the family. “We are pleased that the settlement has been approved and hope that the agreed damages will ensure the Plaintiff can live as independently as possible in the future,” the hospital added in a statement.

“We are very sorry for the claimant’s injuries and understand that no amount of money can fully compensate them,” the hospital added, according to Univision. The little girl’s family will receive of 39 million pounds (approximately $50 million). This incident has shocked not only the United Kingdom, but the whole world.

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