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3 keys to buying a used car in the United States

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Buy a used car in the United States, MundoNOW / Comprar un auto usado en los estados unidos
Buy a used car / PHOTO: MundoNOW
  • Check Online Before Deciding to Buy a Used Car
  • It’s essential to choose the right place
  • And click on CARFAX

«I want to buy a used car» is one of the goals that millions of people have in mind when they want to treat themselves after a lot of hard work.

However, they must apply three fundamental keys to avoid mechanical and legal problems in the acquisition, following the recommendations of the ‘Wheel King,’ Rey Ruedas.

When investing in a «new» car, a colloquial expression used in Latin American countries referring to the word «new,» it does not bring future inconveniences.

But when the decision is made to buy a used car in the United States, it could signify a cumbersome, traumatic, and even financially dangerous process due to a lack of information.

Pay attention, always pay attention!

couple steering wheel, Motor, MundoNOW, keys
PHOTO: Shutterstock

Many Latinos, newly arrived in the land of the American dream, fall into the clutches of misleading and tempting offers, acquiring a car filled with fines, debts, and a malfunctioning engine.

So, the first thing is to make sure that the used car is in good condition, has the respective ownership record, and does not have excessive mileage.

But there are also three vital keys that will guide you to buy without problems during the negotiation process.

This puzzle was revealed by the motor enthusiast, David Camero, known on social media as the popular «Rey Ruedas,» so pay attention to his advice.

Hispanic family almost fell for the scam

car keys, opening the car, traffic, Motor, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Archive MundoNOW

A Hispanic family, based in Orlando, located in central Florida, was almost at the final stretch to buy a used car.

When they checked the history, the sale was blocked due to some details that raised a mountain of doubts.

Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly ascertain the type of car for sale in private dealerships or used car lots.

This is the starting point to begin the investigation with the help of a trusted automotive expert.

1. Don’t forget to check online

private dealer, Rey Ruedas, David Camero, MundoNOW, Motor

One of the benefits of using the Internet is that you can find information in seconds.

Having access to this worldwide network is a powerful tool to make good decisions.

You get data on used car brands for sale, the year of manufacture, colors, models, and most importantly, the accumulated mileage.

Similarly, online research helps you to learn the opinions of users who have purchased a car model that you may want for yourself. This would be another positive element to consider.

2. Where to look for used cars?

sales, negotiation, vehicle, MundoNOW, online portal
PHOTO: Shutterstock

After setting your sights on the used car of your choice, it’s time to solve a relevant question: Where to buy it? So, pay attention to what the Wheel King says.

If you don’t know the ideal place, you can go to a dealer of great prestige in the community where you live.

Dealers offer the buyer a warranty and, at the same time, financing for those who do not have enough money for the final purchase.

However, private establishments may offer a better price compared to dealers.

3. CARFAX, a vital tool

CARFAX, used car, mileage, Engine, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Shutterstock

One of the reliable and commonly used platforms to learn about the history of private vehicles is CARFAX, a digital platform with millions of records.

Through CARFAX on the web, users can find out mileage figures, inspections, accidents, number of owners, theft reports, registration, fines, and financial charges related to the car they want to buy.

Depending on CARFAX’s report, the actual cost of the car will be known, so don’t hesitate to request the record from the car’s owner.

Good luck, says the Wheel King!

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