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Juan José Origel talks about how he realized he was gay

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Juan José Origel gay, pride, lgbt, homosexual, MundoNOW
Juan José Origel's sexuality (PHOTO: Mezcalent)
  • Juan José Origel’s sexuality came up in an interview.
  • A trip to Montreal, Canada changed his life.
  • He had a revealing chat with Yordi Rosado

Rarely does Juan José Origel, fondly known as Pepillo, speak about his private life as he did in a recent interview with Yordi Rosado for his YouTube channel.

The entertainment host and journalist rose to fame after being part of the original lineup of Ventaneando on TV Azteca.

Months later, he received an attractive offer from Televisa that he simply could not refuse.

Juan José Origel’s sexuality came up as he talked about how he realized he was gay.

Juan José Origel revealed that he has had several girlfriends

Juan José Origel gay, journalist, host, television, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

In one part of this interview, Yordi Rosado asked Juan José Origel about how he realized he was gay.

Before going into details, the journalist revealed that he had several girlfriends in his hometown of León, Guanajuato, and that he was very happy with them.

His first interacition with the gay community was far from home — in Montreal, Canada.

«I was at Sir George Williams University, and the people from the class organized a gathering at a nightclub,» he said. One of the floors was for the ‘gay crowd.’

Pepillo went to the wrong floor

interview, Yordi Rosado, YouTube, confession, MundoNOW
Juan José Origel’s sexuality / PHOTO: Mezcalent

What happened that night — perhaps it was destiny — is that Pepillo Origel went to the ‘gay floor’ instead of the ‘heterosexual floor.’

At one point, a very attractive young man approached him to offer him a drink, which he gladly accepted.

«Well, I understood some things and others I didn’t, so I said, ‘Well, okay,’ but I did know how to say thank you,» said Juan José Origel.

Later, this young man invited him to his house, and although he initially didn’t want to go, he ended up agreeing. He didn’t imagine what he would encounter.

He was afraid of what might happen that night

Juan José Origel gay, Montreal, Canada, León, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

To Juan José Origel’s surprise, the young man from the club had a partner who was also a man.

Although he was nervous, and he recalls that his heart was beating very fast, he ended up staying because it was too late to go back alone.

After this experience, where he says nothing happened, Pepillo Origel began to explore his sexuality. There was no turning back.

The journalist said that this trip to Montreal changed his life even though at that time he didn’t dare to do anything.

Juan José Origel’s sexuality was a journey

Venteando, The snack, Rags in the sun, Right of admission, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

Juan José Origel made an unexpected revelation after that night.

He felt that he needed to respect his family regarding how he conducted himself.

«We’re talking about many years ago, and there are still people who suffer a lot,» he said.

On the other hand, Pepillo Origel acknowledged that at that time he knew very little about the gay community.

Pepillo shares his experience with another man

New York, USA, Olympics, gay experience, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

But this was not the only thing that Juan José Origel shared in this interview with Yordi Rosado about realizing he is gay.

According to Excélsior, during the Montreal Olympics, he met another man who insisted that he visit him in New York.

«When I arrived in León, as I entered my house, the phone rang, and my mom’s employee answered, and by then, I was, ‘Very well,’ it was him.»

However, he made it clear that, although he went to live in New York for a year, it was because he was with someone else. To see the full interview click HERE.

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