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José Manuel Zamacona, vocalist of Los Yonic’s dies (PHOTOS)

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  • The death of the vocalist of the Yonics has been confirmed.
  • Singer José Manuel Zamacona dies.
  • The news was released on social media.

José Manuel Zamacona dies. After several days of being hospitalized and reported as serious as a consequence of COVID-19, this Sunday, July 4, the journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante confirmed the death of the popular vocalist of Los Yonic’s, José Manuel Zamacona.

Just a few days ago it was announced that José Manuel Zamacona, vocalist of Los Yonics, had to be hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 despite having been vaccinated, but now the sad news that he finally lost the battle against coronavirus has been confirmed.

José Manuel Zamacona, vocalist of Los Yonic’s, dies

José Manuel Zamacona dies
PHOTO: Twitter

Through a statement in the social media of the musical group Los Yonic’s, the Zamacona Chavarría family reported that the singer continued to be hospitalized, in addition to the fact that «his health is delicate» and that slight improvements have been constantly observed.

But this Sunday, through the journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante’s Twitter account, the sensitive loss of the famous member of the Los Yonic’s group was confirmed: “They report to me from the State of Guerrero that JOSÉ MANUEL ZAMACONA, Director and Founder from Los Yonic’s. Rest in Peace, «he wrote in his tweet.

The vocalist of Los Yonic’s was very serious

It is not known when the vocalist of Los Yonics will be able to recover
PHOTO: Instagram Los Yonics

In another part of this statement, the following can be read: “Your full recovery will be a process that will take an indefinite time. It should be noted that this scenario has been possible with the blessing of God and the diligent work of the medical staff and hospital facilities, both of the highest level, which allows them to receive dignified and specialized treatment ”.

The bad news would not end here, since due to the inactivity that Los Yonics have had for more than a year due to the pandemic caused by the coronavius, they have been affected in their economy, so the group was forced to do the least expected.

They raise funds to help José Manuel Zamacona

They raise funds to help José Manuel Zamacona
PHOTO: Instagram Los Yonics

Given this unfortunate news, it was also reported that friends and admirers of the vocalist of Los Yonics have carried out different fundraising campaigns to continue with the medical treatment that José Manuel Zamacona requires for his recovery.

“Information from these campaigns will be replicated in the group’s official media in order to support these initiatives and confirm that the support will go to the family. Such is the case of the Alfonso de Alba fundraiser and the movement ‘United with faith and hope for Zamacona’ of the fan clubs ”.

They wished him a speedy recovery

Wish your speedy recovery
PHOTO: Instagram Los Yonics

Finally, it was ensured that through the different social networks of the Los Yonics group, followers will be kept informed of the progress in the health of José Manuel Zamacona: «We ask to continue with faith for his prompt and full recovery» .

«Courage teacher, we must move forward», «All united by our great artist, José Manuel Zamacona», «God will send his health very soon», «Prompt recovery, first God», «My prayers with him, God bless him and send him a prompt and satisfactory recovery ”, expressed some users.

«Your prayers have lifted my daddy»

"Your prayers have lifted my daddy"
PHOTO: Instagram Los Yonics

Just a few days ago, José Manuel Zamacona Jr, son of the vocalist of Los Yonics, shared an image with the singer, in addition to the following message: “There we take her, sisters and brothers, your prayers have lifted my daddy, his lung continues to deflate Little by little, the moment came when they thought we were going to lose the battle, but their prayers have changed the course ”.

In addition to thanking all the people who have been watching the singer’s health, José Manuel confessed that his father’s recovery may take more than 6 months: “But the most important thing is that my daddy is alive, he is still hospitalized fighting, but with good news every day ”.

There was hope that the vocalist of Los Yonics would recover

There is hope for the vocalist of Los Yonics to recover
PHOTO: Instagram Los Yonic’s

A couple of days after he was hospitalized in an emergency as a result of Covid-19, José Manuel Zamacona sent good signals through his son: “Brothers and sisters, I just left being with my father, he sends you many greetings, many blessings, he is recovering very well, thank God ”.

Several celebrities, who had expressed their concern for the health status of the vocalist of Los Yonics, reacted with pleasure to this news, among them, the members of Los Tucanes de Tijuana: “From here we send you the best vibes and our prayers so that very soon I will be 100 percent recovered ”.

The Yonic’s would start tour

The Yonics would start tour
Photo Instagram Los Yonic’s

In the first days of May, Los Yonics had announced that they would soon begin their international tour “A second chance from God 2021”, without imagining that their vocalist would face serious health problems a few weeks later.

The fans of the musical group could not hide their emotion: “I already want to see you, it has been almost two years since I looked at you and I already want to see you, God bless me”, “I am looking forward to seeing you, Mr. Zamacona and the junior . I’m dying to see him live again ”. Filed Under: José Manuel Zamacona dies

A successful career

A successful career
PHOTO: Instagram Los Yonic’s

Originally from San Luis San Pedro, Guerrero, in Mexico, Los Yonics began their musical adventure in the 70’s in the Diana social center, owned by Raquel Catalán, who bought them the first devices so that her children Joaquín, Johnny and Bruno Ayvar, founders of the group, began to play tropical pop music and ballads.

Later, they would move to Acapulco, Guerrero, to dedicate themselves professionally to music. Their music became very popular among Hispanic Americans in cities such as Los Angeles, San José, California, Phoenix, Arizona, and El Paso, Texas. José Manuel Zamacona would join later. Filed Under: José Manuel Zamacona dies

The Yonic’s and their «sad words»

The Yonics and their "sad words"
Photo Instagram Los Yonics

With several changes in their line-up, Los Yonics have achieved success thanks to the mixture of tropical themes with soft ballads. They are remembered for songs like It’s Me, Sad Words and White Roses, although one song in particular would be the one that catapulted them to fame.

It was in 1992 when they released the song But you are going to regret it with Marco Antonio Solís El Buki, leader of the group of the same name that many people wanted to rival Los Yonics. In its fifth decade of existence, the group is more current than ever. Filed Under: José Manuel Zamacona dies

Polio was never an obstacle for José Manuel Zamacona

Polio was never an obstacle for José Manuel Zamacona
PHOTO: Instagram Los Yonic’s

In an interview with the host Blanca Martínez, better known as La Chicuela, José Manuel Zamacona assured that the poliomyelitis that affected him since he was a child was not an obstacle to achieving a career of more than 30 years, the same number of albums and more than 30 million copies sold.

“This is part of my life and there is nothing we need to accomplish since I have managed to reach the Latin Grammy with two nominations and I hope I have the time to one day win one. We are in the second wind of José María Zamacona and Los Yonics and I am sure that there is still a lot of time and successes to come ”, said the vocalist of Los Yonics. Filed Under: José Manuel Zamacona dies

The post José Manuel Zamacona, vocalist of Los Yonic’s dies (PHOTOS) appeared first on Hispanic World.


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