Buying a vehicle: Is gasoline or diesel better?
Approximately 3% of cars in the United States use diesel. 90% of the cars in the country use gasoline to run. Learn whether gasoline or diesel is better.

- Approximately 3% of cars in the United States use diesel.
- 90% of the cars in the country use gasoline to run.
- Learn whether gasoline or diesel is better.
Is gasoline or diesel better? This is a question that every car owner or future car owner should consider before buying a vehicle. Each type of fuel has a different performance, but everything will depend on the type of car.
According to figures from the United States Department of Transportation, almost 90% of the cars on the roads run on gasoline, while only 3% run on diesel. Learn about the features and benefits of each one!
What is diesel?

Is gasoline or diesel better? It all depends on the type of engine and what you use your vehicle for. An important fact about diesel is that it is a type of fuel specifically designed for use in diesel engines, which do not require spark ignition, so they require efficient compression ignition.
Diesel is the common term for the distillate fuel oil used in compression-ignition vehicles. It was created by the German engineer Rudolf Diesel, who patented it in 1892. It is a higher-density fuel than gasoline, making it possible to get over 50 miles per gallon.
What is gasoline?

Is gasoline or diesel better for you? Gasoline or petroleum is a flammable liquid that is used as fuel in vehicles with spark ignition or gasoline engines. The first engines of this type were made in Germany in the 19th century. Initially, its effectiveness was proven in aircraft, especially in the military field. Over time, its composition has changed to adapt to the evolution of the vehicle industry.
Gasoline is generally made up of around 150 types of hydrocarbons such as butane, pentane, isopentane and other compounds, as well as chemicals that act as lubricants and antioxidants that aim to improve automobile performance.
Is gasoline or diesel better? Diesel Benefits

When choosing a car, it is important to know both the advantages and disadvantages of diesel in terms of performance, maintenance and cost. One of the advantages of diesel is that diesel engines tend to last longer without causing problems, in addition to the fact that, on average, they perform 35% more than other types of fuel.
Another advantage of cars that use diesel is that they are more environmentally friendly and their market value tends to remain stable for more years. Perhaps a downside to diesel is its cost, but this expense could be reflected in maximum fuel economy in the long run.
Is gasoline or diesel better? Gasoline benefits

To know if gasoline or diesel is better for you, it is important to take into account what your car will be used for. For example, if you will be driving at high speeds, then gasoline is better since this type of engine offers better acceleration than diesel or electric vehicles.
Another advantage of gasoline is the price. Currently, most of vehicles use gasoline because they cost much less to run.