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They reveal the mental illness Julián Figueroa’s widow suffers from

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Imelda Garza Tuñón has, Singer, Disease, MundoNow, News
Imelda Garza Tuñón's mental illness (Photos: Mezcalent/De Primera Mano)
  • Imelda Garza Tuñón is battling mental illness.
  • Her struggle with mental health has come to light.
  • «I’m more stable now than before,» she declares.

Nearly eight months following the passing of her husband, Julián Figueroa, Imelda Garza Tuñón breaks her silence and opens up about her ongoing mental health challenges.

The actress and singer recently disclosed her diagnosis with a mental illness, initially difficult to treat.

She also emphasized her improved ability to manage her emotions and discussed how her husband’s death deeply impacted her mental state.

Currently involved in a musical theater production, the renowned artist expressed gratitude for the support she receives from Maribel Guardia.»


Imelda Garza Tuñón, Julián Figueroa, widow, mental illness, MundoNOW
Photo: Mezcalent

Nearly eight months following the unexpected passing of the acclaimed actor and singer Julián Figueroa, his widow, Imelda Garza Tuñón, has decided to break her silence.

In a recent interview, the actress and singer also disclosed her battle with a mental illness that she is currently confronting.

‘» am more stable now than before, but… I have paranoid bipolar disorder,» the young woman confirmed to the program ‘De Primera Mano.’

«So, I need to take six pills at night and two in the morning,» she elaborated, shedding light on the daily challenges she faces due to her condition.

«It makes me feel down»

overcoming, loss, mental health, acting, singing, musical theater, Maribel Guardia
Photo: Mezcalent

In a startling disclosure, Garza Tuñón recently revealed that she was diagnosed with a mental illness, a condition that was initially challenging to treat.

Acknowledging her current state, Garza Tuñón noted that she is in better health now, but despite having better control, there are still difficult days.

«Even with this control, there are times when I feel so low that I don’t want to leave my room for three days,» confessed Maribel Guardia’s daughter-in-law.

«And sometimes it overwhelms me, and I find myself unable to sleep for four days and lose my appetite,» she added, responding to inquiries from the press about her health.

Was it because of the death of Julián Figueroa?

 artistic community, support, courage, awareness, resilience, interview
Photo: Mezcalent

The artist opened up about the challenges she has faced in recent months following her husband’s death.

«It has a lot to do with what happened with Julián,» the widow of the celebrated singer and son of Joan Sebastian remarked about her illness.

«More time is passing and the truth is, I haven’t come to terms with the fact that it’s been seven months,» she explained to the entertainment program, reflecting on the events.

«I feel like this happened just a month and a half ago. My mind can’t make sense of everything that’s happened in this time, from his death until now,» she concluded.

The unexpected loss of Figueroa

artistic life, personal experiences, breaking the silence, mourning, MundoNOW
Photo: Mezcalent

The passing of Julián Figueroa, which occurred nearly eight months ago, has left an irreplaceable void in Garza Tuñón’s life.

In a heartfelt conversation, the artist spoke about how her husband’s loss has profoundly impacted her emotional state.

Their relationship, celebrated publicly as a love story, left both the artistic community and their admirers in shock over Figueroa’s sudden demise.

Despite facing emotional challenges, Imelda Garza Tuñón has resolved to move forward, finding solace and healing through her art.

What illness is the singer going through?

emotions, adversity, friends, colleagues, famous, Mexican artists, career,
Photo: Mezcalent

Paranoid bipolar disorder is marked by the concurrent occurrence of mania or hypomania episodes and episodes of paranoia.

Mania, characterized by excessive energy, euphoria, and rapid thoughts, is intertwined with paranoia, which involves distrust and suspicion.

This psychiatric intersection poses a unique challenge for mental health professionals, as the blend of symptoms can make diagnosis and treatment more complex.

The symptoms of paranoid bipolar disorder span a broad spectrum, so consulting a doctor for diagnosis is essential. To see a video of her confession, click here.

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