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How to change antifreeze in five steps (VIDEO)

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Antifreeze change, MundoNOW, cars, motor. engine / Cambio de anticongelante
How to change antifreeze / PHOTO: MundoNOW
  • Maintaining an Appropriate Engine Temperature Level
  • Changing your antifreeze is a simple and easy process with this technique
  • Experts recommend that the engine should be cold for the replacement.

One of the essential care routines to extend your car’s engine lifespan is changing the antifreeze. This should be done every two years or after accumulating 40,000 kilometers.

The antifreeze, thanks to its chemical components, maintains an adequate temperature level to protect the engine.

Therefore, it’s crucial not to overlook the execution of this maintenance plan, as engine repair or replacement can cost you a significant amount of money.

Being cautious and attentive will prove to be a significant advantage when it comes to changing the antifreeze.

Changing your antifreeze is a simple and straightforward process

how to change the antifreeze, tips, car care, Engine, MundoNOW
How to change antifreeze / PHOTO: MundoNOW

If you have some free time during your workday, take advantage of leisure hours to check the antifreeze levels stored in the radiator.

This will only take a few minutes and, in return, save you hundreds of dollars.

In the event that the antifreeze is running low, you need to start the antifreeze replacement process, following five simple steps. However, you must be alert beforehand.

Today, in MundoNOW, our mechanic Antonio will demonstrate how to change your car’s antifreeze from the ATLANTA SUV workshop.

Step One: Remove the Bottom Cap

radiator cap, lower radiator cap, antifreeze change, Engine, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Shutterstock

The first thing you need to do is ensure that the engine is turned off and then allow it to cool down completely.

Never attempt to remove the cap when the engine is hot, as the cooling system will be pressurized and could cause serious injuries.

After making sure the engine is cold, the first step is to remove the bottom cap of the radiator to drain the old antifreeze to be replaced.

In most vehicles, the bottom cap of the radiator is located at the bottom, near the driver’s or passenger’s side.

Step Two: Remove the Top Cap

upper radiator cap, level check, fluid levels, Engine, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Shutterstock

As the old antifreeze drains from the radiator, open the top cap of the antifreeze reservoir to maintain a constant flow of antifreeze.

The top cap of the radiator is usually located at the top, typically in the center or near the front of the vehicle.

It may have a label identifying it as «Radiator Pressure» or «Radiator Cap.»

Make sure you have an appropriate wrench or tool to loosen the top radiator cap. Most radiator caps require a specific-sized wrench.

Step Three: Replace the Bottom Cap

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PHOTO: Shutterstock

After the old antifreeze has completely drained from the radiator, replace the bottom cap, ensuring it’s tightly secured to prevent any fluid leaks.

Once you have drained enough of the old antifreeze, re-tighten the bottom radiator cap by turning it clockwise.

Always remember to follow your vehicle’s specific recommendations and the antifreeze manufacturer’s instructions.

This is to ensure a safe and effective antifreeze change.

Step Four: Antifreeze Replacement

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PHOTO: Shutterstock

Next, carefully and patiently pour the new antifreeze into the radiator.

Fill the radiator with the antifreeze and water mixture in the recommended proportion for your vehicle. You can use a funnel to make the process easier.

During this step, experts recommend not adding water to the engine cooling system.

Now, close the top part of the radiator.

Step Five: Start the Engine

start car, car keys, car steering wheel, man driving, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Shutterstock

After filling the radiator with the appropriate antifreeze, start the engine to allow the antifreeze to circulate throughout the system and top it off again.

It’s crucial to remember that, after running the car for five minutes and allowing it to cool, you should continue topping off the radiator with antifreeze.

Add more liquid if necessary to maintain the correct level. Also, check the level in the expansion tank and adjust it as needed.

Once you’re sure that the antifreeze level is correct and there are no leaks, reattach and tighten the top radiator cap by turning it clockwise.

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