How to Change Tire: Instructions and Tips
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Practical guide to changing a tire

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How to change a tire / PHOTO: Shutterstock
  • How to Change a Tire: Step-by-Step Instructions
  • Safety When Changing a Tire
  • Additional Tire Tips to Keep in Mind

Nowadays, it seems like we’re in a race against time, trying to get everywhere on time at full speed.

However, what we don’t anticipate (something that can happen to anyone) is that our car will cause us a problem sooner or later.

One of the most common mishaps is a flat tire. But what do you do in these cases if you don’t know how to change it?

This time, we’ll share step-by-step instructions on how to change a tire. Pay close attention…

Always Think About Your Safety

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Photo: Shutterstock

How to change a tire? After realizing that your tire is flat, the first thing you should do is stay calm.

According to Business Insider Mexico, taking into account advice from Renault Mexico, you should find a safe place to park.

Then, turn on your hazard lights so that other drivers notice what’s happening.

When you start this process, make sure that no one stays inside your car; it could be very dangerous.

Loosen the Nuts, But Don’t Remove Them…

Nuts, vest, safety triangle, process, MundoNOW
How to change a tire? / Photo: Shutterstock

If you have a vest and a safety triangle, it’s a good time to use them. Remember, your safety comes first.

When you lower your spare tire, place it at waist height and let it drop vertically. Don’t carry it, let it roll.

Loosen the nuts on the tire you need to replace and turn the socket wrench counterclockwise.

Very important: do not remove or loosen the nuts completely. This is a mistake many people tend to make.

Time for the Hydraulic Jack

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Photo: Shutterstock

How to change a tire? Now, you need to place the hydraulic jack at the marked point on the underside of your car.

Start raising your car, and now, finish loosening and removing the nuts. Before the last one, hold the tire against your hip.

After this action, remove the tire and lower it carefully. Roll it and place it horizontally under your car.

In case your hydraulic jack fails, this will prevent your car from falling on you. Safety above all.

Final Touches: It’s Almost Ready

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How to change a tire? / Photo: Shutterstock

Finally, you have to replace the flat tire with the spare and tighten the nuts by about eighty percent.

You’ll do the remaining twenty percent when you have lowered the car with the help of the hydraulic jack. Put the security bolt back on.

Store your flat tire in the trunk, and if you have a vest, safety triangle, and more, store them too.

If you need to seal the hole in your tire, you should go to a tire repair shop. The sooner you solve this problem, the better.

Recommendations You Shouldn’t Overlook

recommendations, advice, Renault, Mexico, MundoNOW
How to change a tire? / Photo: Shutterstock

In addition to the advice on how to change a tire available on the Business Insider México page, Renault Mexico shares other recommendations.

First, replace your tires when the tread reaches three millimeters (in summer) or four millimeters (in winter).

Also, consider that tires, like any product, have an expiration date. Avoid accidents at all costs.

Finally, it is said that the useful life of a tire is about five years. Always inflate them to a specific pressure.

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