Four direct payments of up to $1,050 to be sent IN NOVEMBER
Officials continue to send direct payments in the US. Four checks for up to $1,050 will be sent in a few days.

- Officials continue to send direct payments in the US.
- Four checks for up to $1,050 will be sent in a few days.
- They will start or continue to distribute money in November.
MORE MONEY IN IS ON ITS WAY! Officials in the United States continue to distribute money to the residents of many states. Now there are four direct payments of up to $1,050 that will be sent in November.
Whether through tax refunds or relief checks, several US states will begin, or continue to, distribute direct payments in November that could come through direct deposit to via paper checks. Will you receive money before Thanksgiving Day?
Four checks up to $1,050 to be sent in NOVEMBER

The first of these checks will be distributed in California where Governor Gavin Newsom approved tax rebates between $200 and $1,050 for approximately 23 million people. The first batch went out between October 7th and 25th, they started sending a second batch on October 28th and will continue until November 14th. In fact, they will mail debit cards to a third group of recipients between October 25 and December 10.
Whether you are eligible or the amount of money you receive will depend on your income, filing status, and the size of your household. To determine if you qualify and how much you could receive, use the TAX REFUND ESTIMATOR on the program’s website.
Money in New Mexico

In New Mexico officials will be distributing relief checks worth at least $400. «Eligibility and payment amounts are subject to the availability of funds and will be issued to the lowest income applicants first,» the Department of Human Services told The Sun, so the selection parameters are not yet clear.
This program is aimed at reaching out to low-income residents. “All applicants are reviewed for income and payments are made to applicants with the lowest income, respectively, given that they meet all eligibility requirements, such as being a New Mexico resident and having an NM DL #, ITIN or SSN,” they explained.
Checks in Idaho

Some people in Idaho will have to wait until after Thanksgiving for their refund payments and, even though local authorities approved payments between $100 and $600, they can only issue up to 60,000 direct deposits a day, so they’re distributing them piecemeal.
Also, the state has been limited to sending out 75,000 paper checks each week, so please be patient. The good news is that the Idaho State Tax Commission said that by the end of March 2023 they expect to have sent out some 800,000 refunds worth $500 million.
Assistance program in Evanston, Illinois

The fourth check that they will be distributing in November is the universal basic income program from Evanston, Illinois. In fact, on Tuesday, November 1, they will start sending the first payment of $500 per month that beneficiaries will receive for one year.
This program is aimed primarily at low-income people in the jurisdiction and in this pilot version 150 Evanston households will benefit. Filed Under: Four checks up to $1,050 to be sent IN NOVEMBER.